(EDITOR’S NOTE: See Code Book for Ords. 21 through 20-1981.)
Ord. No.   Date   Description
61-1982   10-25-82   Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. for payment of electricity provided for lighting overpasses and under bridges along Interstate 480.
63-1982   11-3-82   East Ohio Gas Company, to provide gas service.
48-1983   9-26-83   To Space Cable of Ohio, Ltd., nonexclusive right to provide cable television service for 15 years.
Res.48-1984   7-9-84      Transfer of control of the cable television system of Space Cable of Ohio, Ltd. to Cablevision of Ohio, Ltd.
Res.90-1986   12-8-86   Transfer of control of the cable television system of Space Cable of Ohio, Ltd.
Res.4-1992   2-10-92   Transfer of agreement and cable systems assets for Cablevision Systems Corp.
53-2000   11-13-00   Authorizing a master cable franchise agreement with Cablevision of the Midwest, Inc.