(a)   No person shall serve as Municipal Fire Safety Inspector unless he or she has received a certificate issued under former Section 3303.07 or Section 4765.55 of the Ohio Revised Code evidencing his/her satisfactory completion of a fire safety inspector training program.
(ORC 3737.34)
   (b)   If, upon inspection or investigation, the Municipal Fire Safety Inspector finds or believes that the Ohio Fire Code has been violated, or conditions exist that are especially dangerous to the safety of persons, buildings, premises or property, he or she shall, with reasonable promptness, issue a Notice of Violation or Citation, in writing, describing the nature of the violation and affixing a reasonable time for abatement. Citation enforcement may be by procedures established by Ohio R.C. 3737.42 or Ohio R.C. 3737.44 for injunctive relief or temporary restraining order and oral order for vacation of the building or premises.
   (c)   The Municipal Fire Safety Inspector, at all reasonable hours, may enter into all buildings and upon all premises and vehicles within the Municipality, for the purpose of examination. (ORC 3737.14) (Exception: one, two and three family dwellings).
(Ord. 20-1997. Passed 2-10-97.)
   (d)   A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the Mayor; it shall contain all proceedings under this Code, with such statistics as the Chief of the Division may wish to include therein; the Chief of the Fire Division shall recommend any amendments to the Code which, in his judgment, would be desirable.