When any application for a building permit shall be made for the construction of a building or alteration of any kind on a lot abutting on any street within the City, the applicant for such permit shall deposit with the Finance Director, not less than seventy-five dollars ($75.00) nor more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) a sum to be determined by the Division of Building, Engineering and Inspection upon the basis of the front footage of such lot abutting on any City street, nature, kind and extent of such construction, as security for proper protection, replacement and repairs of all sidewalks, to be properly maintained free of disrepair or any obstructions whatsoever during construction period, removal of all debris in and outside of building or buildings and from the lot upon final completion of the buildings. Provided further that there shall be a final inspection made by the Division or by any other proper person designated by the Division, of the interior of all buildings before occupancy, that upon failure of any applicant to properly maintain all sidewalks in repair and free of any obstructions, the City may upon order from the Division forthwith repair or replace such sidewalks and/or remove any obstructions thereof and the costs of such replacement or repairs of such sidewalks or removal of such obstructions shall be deducted by the Finance Director from such deposit held by the Director as security for full compliance of all the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 56-1954. Passed 5-24-54.)