The fees to be paid for building permits shall be determined in the Division of Building, Engineering and Inspection, and shall be noted upon the application when approved for the issuing of the permit. Upon payment of such fees, the permit shall be issued to the applicant. When permits are not obtained before the start of work the fee shall be increased by one hundred percent (100%), unless an emergency exists whereby the applicant is not able to secure a permit before commencing the emergency work. In cases of an emergency the applicant shall apply for a permit on the next succeeding business day or else the applicant shall be subject to the one hundred percent (100%) increase in permit fees. All decisions of the Building Commissioner regarding the existence of an emergency situation shall be final.
   (a)    New Building Fees. For all new structures and buildings intending to be used as:
      (1)    Single or multi-family dwellings a non-refundable plan review fee shall be submitted upon submission of plans for review in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00). In addition, an engineer’s fee in the amount of six hundred dollars ($600.00) shall be paid for site plan review, footing and final grade checks of new dwellings. Other engineering services shall be at cost as required. A certificate of occupancy fee in the amount of one-hundred dollars ($100.00) for a single family or two-hundred dollars ($200.00) for a multi-family dwelling shall be required when a building permit is issued. Building permit fees for new dwellings or additions to existing dwellings shall be assessed under the following schedule:
New dwelling (base fee plus square ft. fee)
New addition (base fee plus square ft. fee)
1. Per square foot
Finished basement area (base fee plus square ft. fee)
Wood deck or concrete patio base fee
1. Per square ft.
Sewer(s) tie-in for one sanitary and/or storm sewer connection
Tree lawn tree fee
      (2)    For buildings and additions other than one, two and three family dwellings, fees shall be based upon the type of construction method. The Building Commissioner shall set fees by utilizing Table 1, “Square Foot Construction Costs” and Table 2 “Regional Cost Modifiers”, published in the Building Valuation Data report in the Building Safety Journal magazine published by the International Code Council. The most recently updated figures shall be used. The Building Commissioner shall maintain an active membership in the International Code Council (ICC).
         Fees = Gross Floor Area x Square Foot Construction Cost x Regional Modifier x Permit Fee Multiplier (PFM)
         The Permit Fee Multiplier shall be .0018.
         The Permit Fee Multiplier may from the time to be modified by the Building Commissioner and/or the Finance Director to reflect the costs incurred by the City to perform inspections, issue permits and operate the Building Department.
         Note: Other abbreviations used in this section refer to the following standards.
            (OBC) Ohio Building Code (see Chapter 1325)
            (OBOA) Ohio Building Officials Association (see Chapter 1331)
            (NEC) National Electrical Code (see Chapter 1329)
      (3)    Alterations or repairs wherein there is no addition or enlargement of floor area.
         A.    For one and two-family dwellings: seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) for each one thousand dollars ($1,000) of improvement valuation, minimum fee twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
         B.    For all others: ten dollars ($10) for each one thousand dollars ($1,000) of improvement valuation, minimum fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).
         The above fees are waived for all alterations or repairs undertaken which are backed by a federally funded community development loan.
      (4)    Churches and schools. For new construction, additions, alterations and repairs to churches and schools, the permit fee shall be figured at the same rate as for commercial buildings.
   (b)    Plumbing and Sewer Fees.
      (1)    New construction.
         A.   New Residential       $300.00 plus $.05 per sq. ft.
         B.    New Non-Residential    $400.00 plus $.05 per sq. ft.
            1.    Disposal unit           $5.00
            2.    Multiple dwellings, apartments,
               per unit                $15.00
                i.    Disposal unit             $8.00
            3.    Retail, commercial and industrial,
                per unit                $50.00
               i.    Disposal unit             $8.00
      (2)    Additions, alterations, repairs and replacements:
         A.    Residential base fee          $40.00 plus fixture fees
         B.    Non-Residential base fee       $75.00 plus fixture fees
      (3)    Each permit shall be:
         A.    For street sewer connection           10.00
         B.    For sewer and/or drain tile repair or alteration    10.00
         C.    For garage connection only             10.00
         D.    For the installation of a single plumbing fixture,
            a single water heater, or the installation of one
            gas outlet.                   $5.00
      (4)    The following charges shall be added for each fixture unit installed or changed:
         A.    For each water closet             $5.00
         B.    For each bathtub                $5.00
         C.   For each single sink                $5.00
         D.    For each floor drain or floor sink          $5.00
         E.   For each oil or grease interceptor          $25.00
         F.    For each shower or tub             $5.00
         G.    For each drinking fountain             $5.00
         H.    For each lip urinal                $2.00
         I.    For each domestic boiler             $45.00
         J.    For each Non-residential water heater
               i.    Under 100 gallons capacity       $75.00
               ii.    100 Gallon larger capacity       $150.00
         K.    For each gas outlet                $5.00
         L.    Gas pipe 1” nominal and under/ft.          $.25
         M.    Gas pipe 1-1/4” to 4” nominal/ft.          $.50
         N.    Gas pipe over 4” nominal/ft.          $1.00
         O.    For each sprinkler head             $1.00
      (5)    Additional fees shall be:
         A.    Three, four, five, or six-inch sewer pipe
            for each 100 feet or fraction thereof        $50.00
         B.    For each 100 feet or fraction thereof of
            eight-inch sewer pipe                $75.00
         C.    For each 100 feet or fraction thereof of
            ten inch sewer pipe                $95.00
         D.    For each 100 feet or fraction thereof of twelve
            inch sewer pipe or larger sewer pipe       $105.00
   (c)    Electrical Fees. The Building Commissioner is authorized to charge the following fees for inspection and examination of wires for motors, lamps, electric signs or any other appliances that are to be used.
      (1)    New Residential installations     $300.00 plus $.05 per sq. ft
         Residential Remodeling and alterations
         base fee                $40.00 plus fixture/device
      (2)    Correction of residential electrical violations    $50.00
      (3)    New Non-Residential installations     $400.00 plus $.05 per sq. ft.
      (4)    Non-Residential alterations (May use sq. ft.
         fee on buildouts)             $75.00 plus fixture/device
      (5)    Each Fixture or Device                $1.00
      (6)    Temporary electrical service pole             $60.00
      (7)    Service change or new service
         a.    Up to 200 amp                $60.00
         b.    201 to 400 amp                $100.00
         c.    Over 400 amp                $250.00
      (8)    Service restoration to vacant house/building
         /re-energize                      $40.00
      (9)    Electrical panel/Switchboard/Motor
         Control Center                $25.00/each
      (10)    Low Voltage Systems (FIRE ALARM,
         POS, DATA, SECURITY)          $75.00 & $.05 per sq. ft.
      (11)    Accessory building wiring (garage or shed)       $35.00
      (12)    Parking lot/exterior lighting        $150.00 no base fee
         a.    Plus $1.00 per attached fixture & $25.00 per pole.
      (13)    Swimming pool or hot tub wiring             $35.00
      (14)    Solar panel installation             $75.00/each
      (15)    Wind Turbine                $100/each
      (16)    Generator
         a.    Under 15KW             $75.00/each
         b.    15 KW and over             $150.00/each
      (17)    Bus Duct                 $.50 per linear Foot
      (18)    In addition to the base fee, there shall be a fee
         for motors, generators, welding machines,
         industrial furnaces, and similar apparatus:       $15.00/each
      (19)   All other apparatus (X-ray machines, CAT
         scanners, welders, industrial machinery, etc.)    $50.00
      (20)    In addition to the base fee, there shall be a
         fee for transformers                $30.00/each
      (21)    Motion picture projectors using arc lamps
         of 1,000 watts or more             $35.00/each
      (22)    Temporary Electrical for Event        $150.00 no base fee
   (d)    Sign Fees.
      (1)    Signs up to 24 sq. ft. in area             $50.00
      (2)    Signs from 25 to 60 sq. ft. in area          $75.00
      (3)    Signs over 60 sq. ft.                $100.00
      (4)    Sign changes - same fees as specified in sections (d)(1), (2) & (3)
      (5)    Ground signs, per face             $50.00
      (6)    Temporary signs                $30.00
   (e)    Mechanical Fees.
      (1)    Fees for installations.
         A.    New Residential installations       $300.00 plus $.05
                               per sq. ft
         B.    Residential alterations or replacement
            Base fee                $40.00 plus
         C.    New Non-Residential installation       $400.00 plus $.05
                              per sq. ft.
         D.    Non-Residential Base fee         $75.00 plus
         E.    Combination or rooftop unit       $100.00/each
         F.    Unit or space heaters          $45.00/each
         G.    Furnace and boiler fees, Heaters:       $45.00/each
         H.    Gas infrared appliances
            a.    Up to and including 50,000 BTU    $30.00 each
            b.    Over 50,000 BTU          $40.00 each
      (2)    Fees for additions to furnaces or hot water tanks
         A.    Humidifier                $5.00
         B.    Electronic air filter             $5.00
         C.    Forced or mechanical flue devices       $5.00
      (3)    Installation of Air Conditioning or Refrigeration Units
         A.    Residential one, two, and three family    $30.00/each
         B.    Non-Residential             $100.00/each
         C.    Refrigeration for storage of food or beverage:
            (Includes showcases, reach-in & walk-in
            units)                   $50.00/each
      (4)    Miscellaneous mechanical fees:
         A.    VAV (variable air volume) or duct fan
            units                   $10.00
         B.    Commercial kitchen hood systems       $150.00
         C.    Residential kitchen hoods          $10.00
         D.    Attic exhaust fans             $25.00
         E.    Bathroom exhaust fans          $20.00/ each
         F.    Non-Residential or multi-family ductwork
            alterations per $1,000.00 of value      $40.00
         G.    Make up or circulating air handlers
            (per unit)                $40.00
   (f)    General Building Fees.
      (1)    Gasoline storage tank permits:
         A.    2,000 gallons              $200.00
         B.    2,001 to 4,000 gallons          $300.00
         C.    4,001 gallons or more          $500.00
      (2)    Curb cutting permits              $10.00
      (3)    Swimming pool/spa permit:
         A.    Above ground (includes storable)       $40.00
         B.    In ground                $100.00
      (4)    Concrete and asphalt:
         A.    Non-residential Parking lots, aprons,
            driveways new or replacement $150.00 plus .05 per sq. ft.
         B.    Non- residential Resurfacing parking
            lot or driveway       $75.00 plus .05 per sq. ft.
         C.    Non- residential Resealing parking
            lot or driveway        $75.00 plus .05 per sq. ft.
         D.    Re-striping of parking lot       $50.00
         E.    Non-residential new or replacement
            or sidewalk or yard walk       $60.00 plus $1.00 per
linear ft.
         F.    Residential parking lots, aprons,
            driveways new or replacement    $75.00 plus .05 per sq. ft.
         G.    Residential resurfacing of parking
            lot or driveway          $50.00 plus .05 per sq. ft
         H.    Residential new or replacement of
            sidewalk or yard walk     $40.00 plus .25 per linear ft.
      (5)    Decks, Porches, stairs- new or replacement
         A.    Residential           $40.00 plus $ .05 per sq. ft.
         B.    Non-residential        $75.00 plus $ .05 per sq. ft.
      (6)    Incinerator and/or compactor permit
         A.    Non-Residential             $150.00
         B.    Apartments                $150.00
      (7)    Fence/headwall/Retaining wall Permits
         A.    Residential           $35 plus $.25 per linear ft.
         B.    Nonresidential & Rubbish
            enclosures        $75.00 plus $.35 per linear ft.
      (8)    Shed/Gazebo Permit:        $25.00 plus $.05 per square
                           floor area
      (9)    Waterproofing Permit:        $35.00 plus $5.00 per $1000
                           valuation of job.
      (10)    Handicap Ramp or Lift Permit       $25.00
      (11)   Occupancy permit
         A.    Non-Residential          $200.00
         B.    Residential             $100.00
         C.    Temporary Permit          $250.00
         D.    Replacement          $20.00 plus inspection fees if
      (12)    Aluminum or vinyl siding       $35.00 plus $5.00 Per
                         $1000.00 Valuation of Job
         A.    Roofing Permit:       $35.00 plus $5.00 per
                        $1000.00 Valuation of job
         B.    Window Permit:       $35.00 plus $5.00 per
                         $1000.00 Valuation of job
      (13)    Inspection fees (construction):
         A.    Additional rough inspections
            after two             $50.00
         B.    Additional final inspections
            after two            $100.00
         C.    Special inspection off hours       $150.00/hr. (2 hr./min.)
      (14)    Planning Commission Meeting Fees
         A.    Non-Residential parcel(s)       $150.00
         B.    Residential – More than 3 parcels    $75.00
      (15)    Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Fees
         A.    Non-Residential parcel       $150.00
         B.    Residential             $35.00
Requests for Appeal filed under GHCO 701.6, 1301.18, 1359.22, 1409.09 shall be no charge.
   (g)    Engineering Fees.
      (1)    All engineering fees shall be determined at the time of application.
   (h)    Refund for Nonuse Permits. A refund of the fee paid for permits described in subsection (a) (1) through (4) hereof shall be permitted if the permit is not used and no work has begun within the following times upon the following rates:
                              PERCENT OF
                              PERMIT FEES
      Less than thirty days from issuance                90
      Less than forty-five days but more than thirty days        80
      Less than sixty days but more than forty-five days        70
      Less than seventy-five days but more than sixty days       60
      Less than six months but more than seventy-five days       50
      After six months                 No refund
   (i)    There shall be no refunds of other permit fees provided for in this chapter.
      (Ord. 89-2023. Passed 10-11-23.)