The SWP3 must contain a description of the controls appropriate for each stage of construction operation and the applicant must implement such controls. BMP selection and design must meet criteria established within the current Construction General Permit. BMPs must be designed, constructed, and installed to meet the specifications in Rainwater and Land Development or another design manual acceptable to the City of Garfield Heights. The approved SWP3, and the sediment and erosion controls, and non-sediment pollution controls contained therein, shall be implemented, and maintained according to the requirements in the Construction General Permit. Site operators must conduct site inspections as described in the Construction General Permit.
   Certified inspection reports shall be submitted to the City Engineer and/or Stormwater Program Manager within seven (7) working days from the inspection and retained at the development site. The following standards will also apply:
   (a)   BMP Design. BMPs must be implemented to ensure sediment is not tracked off-site and that dust is controlled. These BMPs must include, but are not limited to, the following:
      (1)    Construction entrances shall be built and shall serve as the only permitted points of ingress and egress to the development area. These entrances shall be built of a stabilized pad of aggregate stone or recycled concrete, or cement sized greater than two inches (2”) in diameter placed over a geotextile. Culverts shall be provided where construction entrances cross drainage ditches and water bars shall be provided to divert sediment-laden runoff away from connected roadways.
      (2)    Streets and catch basins adjacent to construction entrances shall be kept free of sediment tracked off site. Streets directly adjacent to construction entrances and receiving traffic from the development area, shall be cleaned daily to remove sediment tracked off-site. If applicable, the catch basins on these streets nearest to the construction entrances shall also be cleaned weekly and protected from sediment-laden runoff, if feasible without posing a public safety hazard.
      (3)    Based on site conditions, City Engineer and/or Stormwater Program Manager and/or the Cuyahoga County SWCD may require additional best management practices to control off site tracking and dust. These additional BMPs may include:
         A.   Fencing shall be installed around the perimeter of the development area to ensure that all vehicle traffic adheres to designated construction entrances.
         B.   Applicants shall take all necessary measures to comply with applicable regulations regarding fugitive dust emissions, including obtaining necessary permits for such emissions. The City Engineer and/or Stormwater Program Manager and/or the Cuyahoga County SWCD may require dust controls including the use of water trucks to wet disturbed areas, tarping stockpiles, temporary stabilization of disturbed areas, and regulation of the speed of vehicles on the site.
         C.   Sediment ponds shall be maintained, and skimmers shall be inspected as part of the regular inspection schedule and condition noted. It is important to the function of this sediment control feature to minimize downstream impacts of construction.
   (b)   Stream Protection During Construction. Construction vehicles shall avoid water resources. If it is infeasible to provide and maintain an undisturbed natural buffer around water resources, the SWP3 shall comply with all the following additional requirements:
      (1)    All stream crossings shall be designed as specified in the most recent edition of Rainwater and Land Development Manual.
      (2)    Temporary stream crossings shall be constructed if water resources or wetlands are crossed by construction vehicles during construction. Construction activities cannot cause the upstream ponding of water without specific approval of the City.
      (3)    Construction of bridges, culverts, or sediment control structures shall not place soil, debris, or other particulate material into or close to the water resources or wetlands in such a manner that it may slough, slip, or erode.
      (4)    Protected areas or critical areas, including wetlands and riparian areas shall be physically marked in the field prior to earth disturbing activities.
      (5)    Stream Protection. The requirements of Chapter 1161 Riparian Setbacks of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Garfield Heights shall be followed.
   (c)   For sites that will not be completed by October 1, a Pre-Winter Stabilization Meeting shall be held by the landowner and the developer, engineer and contractor of the project and the City of Garfield Heights prior to October 1, to plan and approve winter erosion and sediment controls as defined in the most current online edition of Rainwater and Land Development.
   (d)   Post Construction Water Quality Practices.
      (1)    Non-structural water quality practices. Non-structural post construction best management practices include preservation, planning, or procedures that direct development away from water resources, or limit creation of impervious surfaces. Practices such as conservation easements, riparian and wetland setbacks, and conservation subdivision design are all non-structural controls.
      (2)    All non-structural water quality practices must be protected from disturbance through the construction phase of the project.
      (3)    All non-structural water quality practices must be protected in perpetuity through the use of appropriate legal tools. All easement or conservation areas, included identified riparian setbacks, must appear on the final plat and be disclosed to potential buyers.
      (4)    Structural water quality practices. Structural post construction best management practices are permanent features constructed to provide treatment of storm water runoff either through storage, filtration, or infiltration.
      (5)    All structural water quality practices must be established prior to the completion of the project. Structural water quality practices should be made functional once the disturbed areas on site are stabilized. If detention/retention facilities were used for sediment control during the development sediments must be removed prior to the basin being used for post construction storm water quality.
      (6)    Maintenance. The post construction water quality practice must be maintained in perpetuity by those parties identified in the SWP3 or the Storm Water Management Maintenance Agreement.
      (7)    The City of Garfield Heights shall be provided with a copy of the post-construction stormwater management plan for review and approval. Such approved plan shall be recorded at the Cuyahoga County Recorder’s office. Subsequent revisions to the document must be approved by the City Engineer prior to adoption. Also see Chapter 1170, Comprehensive Stormwater Management, for additional requirements for Post-Construction Management. (Ord. 61-2023. Passed 8-14-23.)