The applicant shall submit an SWP3 that meets the requirements of the Construction General Permit and the following additional requirements. The SWP3 shall be certified by a professional engineer, a registered surveyor, certified professional erosion and sediment control specialist, or a registered landscape architect. The SWP3 shall include control measures to ensure that discharges from the construction site and construction support activities comply with the nonnumeric effluent limitations contained in the Construction General Permit.
   In addition to all information required by the Construction General Permit, the SWP3 shall also include completed design tools found on Ohio EPA’s website such as the Sediment Basin Compliance Spreadsheet.
   Before any off-site support areas such as borrow or spoil areas, concrete or asphalt batch plants, equipment staging yards or material storage areas are utilized, a SWP3 for the off-site support area must be submitted and approved by the City Engineer and/or Stormwater Program Manager. The applicant shall ensure appropriate permits have been obtained to operate the off-site support area. Failure to do so can lead to enforcement action under Sections 1171.13 and 1171.14 of this code. Off-site fill and borrow areas shall require separate SWP3 permitting depending on local regulations. The contractor is responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals and the City of Garfield Heights reserves the right to ask for copies of the approval letters for the sites being used.
   The City Engineer and/or Stormwater Program Manager may require the SWP3 to include a Soils Engineering Report based upon his/her determination that the conditions of the soils are unknown or unclear to the extent that additional information is required to protect against erosion or other hazards. This report shall be based on adequate and necessary test borings and shall contain all the information listed below. Recommendations included in the report and approved by the City Engineer and/or Stormwater Program Manager shall be incorporated in the grading plans and/or other specifications for site development.
   (a)   Data regarding the nature, distribution, strength, and erodibility of existing soils.
   (b)   If applicable, data regarding the nature, distribution, strength, and erodibility of the soil to be placed on the site.
   (c)   Conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures.
   (d)   Conclusions and recommended designs for interim soil stabilization devices and measures, and for permanent soil stabilization after construction is completed.
   (e)   Design criteria for corrective measures when necessary.
   (f)   Opinions and recommendations covering the stability of the site.
   (g)   Delineations of surface waters of the state located on the site. Affirmation by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may be required.
   (h)   Location and maintenance plan for sedimentation basins either long term or short term.
   (i)   Phasing plan to minimize soil disturbing activities on site.
   (j)   Plan of action for processes and corrective actions, if needed, during construction.
      (Ord. 61-2023. Passed 8-14-23.)