(a)   These regulations shall apply to all zoning districts.
   (b)   The regulations set forth herein shall apply to all buildings, structures, uses, and related soil disturbing activities on a lot containing a designated watercourse, except as otherwise provided herein.
   (c)   The use of any building, structure or lot lawfully existing prior to the effective date of these regulations may be continued, subject to the provisions of Chapter 1149, Nonconforming Uses.
   (d)   The repair, maintenance, restoration of a building, or uses lawfully existing prior to the effective date of these regulations may be continued or completed, subject to the provisions of Chapter 1149, Nonconforming Uses.
   (e)   A use and occupancy certificate or other zoning certificate shall be issued for any building, structure, use, or related soil disturbing activities on a lot containing, wholly or partly, a designated watercourse except in conformity with the regulations set forth herein.
   (f)   These regulations shall only apply when a riparian setback, as determined by these regulations, is proposed to be impacted.