The following building lines are established:
(a) Easterly side of Turney Road from the northerly City limits to Plymouth Avenue, forty-three feet from the center line of Turney Road.
(b) Easterly side of Turney Road from Plymouth Avenue to Granger Road, forty-nine feet from the center line of Turney Road.
(c) Easterly side of Turney Road from Granger Road to the southerly City limits, sixty-five feet from the center line of Turney Road.
(d) Westerly side of Turney Road from Grand Division Avenue to Garfield Boulevard, forty-three feet from the center line of Turney Road.
(e) Westerly side of Turney Road from Garfield Boulevard to Granger Road, forty- nine feet from the center line of Turney Road.
(f) Westerly side of Turney Road from Granger Road to the southerly corporate limits of the City, sixty-five feet from the center line of Turney Road.
(g) Granger Road, forty-three feet from the center line of the street.
(h) Garfield Boulevard, forty-three feet from the center line of the street.
(i) McCracken Road, forty-three feet from the center line of the street; with the relocation of McCracken Road east of Broadway to the corporate line, seventy-five feet from the center line of the road.
(j) East 131st Street, forty-three feet from the center line of the street.
(k) Warner Road, seventy feet from the center line of the street.
(1) Broadway Avenue, forty-three feet from the center line of the street.
(m) Rockside Road, from easterly corporate line to Turney Road, forty-three feet from the center line of the street; Rockside Road, from Turney Road to the westerly corporate line, seventy-five feet from the center line of the street.
(Ord. 83-1976. Passed 9-27-76.)