921.01 Permit application.
921.02 Approval by Council.
921.03 Annual permit fee.
921.04 Suspension or revocation.
921.05 Sanitary requirements.
921.06 Equipment.
921.07 Operation and maintenance.
921.08 Depositing of materials.
921.09 Compacting.
921.10 Covering.
921.11 Inspection.
921.12 Number of landfill operations.
921.13 Transportation of garbage and other waste materials.
921.14 Disposal on own premises.
921.15 Miscellaneous regulations.
921.99 Penalty.
Municipal power and duties - see Ohio R.C. 715.47
State licenses - see Ohio R.C. 3734.05 et seq.
Class U(10) special use - see P.& Z. 1141.03
No person shall dump or deposit any garbage or other waste materials of any kind on any public or private property within the City, nor shall any incinerator, landfill or other structure or device for the disposal of garbage or other waste materials be established, erected or operated within the City, without a permit duly issued as provided herein. Applications for such permits shall be sworn to by the applicant and filed with the Service Director setting forth the following information:
(a) Name and address of applicant and all persons who shall engage in the activity.
(b) Description of land in which such activity shall take place.
(c) The nature of the garbage or waste materials and its source.
(d) Proposed methods of collections, storage and disposal, including all equipment to be used in the activity.
(e) Such other pertinent and additional data as may be deemed necessary to enable the Zoning Board of Appeals to determine the nature and scope of the proposed operation.
The application shall be processed by the Service Director and forwarded to the Board for hearing. The Board shall then set a date for a public hearing on the proposal or application. The Board shall attach the rules and regulations contained in this chapter as a condition to the issuance of any permit hereunder. (Ord. 30-1961. Passed 2-27-61.)