The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the following:
   (a)   Employment as regularly appointed police officers, regularly appointed peace officers, or law enforcement agents of the United States, the State of Ohio, or political subdivisions thereof.
   (b)   Off-duty employment as regularly appointed police officers of the City when approved by the Chief of Police or as regularly appointed members of the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's office when approved by the Sheriff.
   (c)   The protection of persons or property being transported in interstate or intrastate commerce.
   (d)   Persons employed in private business establishments, premises or structures other than places of amusement, recreation and entertainment where the major portion of such employment is confined to services within such private business establishments, premises or structures.
   (e)   The investigation and adjustment of insurance losses.
   (f)   Attorneys at law in the practice of their profession.
   (g)   Agencies whose exclusive business is the furnishing of information as to the business and financial standing and credit responsibility of persons, firms and corporations, or personal habits and financial responsibility of applicants or claimants with respect to insurance, indemnity bonds or commercial credit.
   (h)   Any person particularly skilled as a workman or in the knowledge of a particular business, whose employment by any one agency shall not exceed sixty days in one calendar year. The identity of such person shall be furnished to the Chief of Police.