The Chief of Police, or his designee, shall exempt a charitable organization from the license requirement if the following conditions are met and adequate evidence thereof is supplied to the Police Department upon notice to conduct such event:
(a) The charitable organization hosting the event has held a 501(c)(3) tax exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service prior to, and continually since, December 31, 2003;
(b) The event shall be held on the premises of the charitable organization that is hosting and receiving all proceeds, or upon government owned property;
(c) The charitable organization that is hosting the event shall provide evidence that it is to retain all proceeds. No monies, or any other object of value, shall be paid to any person, director, volunteer. Reasonable payment made for rental equipment and security may be permitted upon the approval of the police department.
(d) All persons, directors, individuals, or volunteers working at the event have been members of the organization for at least one hundred and eighty (180) days preceding the event.
(Ord. 04-2005. Passed 1-10-05.)