(a)   No person within the City shall maintain, keep or have in his possession any reptile, spider, insect or any other animal or creature, excepting domesticated dogs and cats, that can fatally bite, maim or in any manner whatsoever injure or cause sickness or discomfort to a person without first observing the following procedures:
      (1)   Notify the local hospital of the presence of such reptiles, spiders, insects or any other animal or creature so that the hospital may procure, if necessary, and have on hand required anti-venom serum.
      (2)   In the event there is any cost in securing, obtaining or maintaining the anti-venom serum required, such person shall fully pay the hospital for the cost involved and have in his possession a current receipt as evidence of such payment.
      (3)   Notify the health authorities and Police Division of the City of the presence of such reptile, spider, insect or any other animal or creature.
      (4)   Post a five thousand dollar ($5,000) bond with a good and solvent surety company to cover any cost of injuries or damages that may be occasioned by the accidental, deliberate or wrongful release of such reptile, spider, insect or any other animal or creature. (Ord. 135-1971. Passed 10-11-71; Ord. 80-1973. Passed 12-10-73.)
   (b)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.