(a)   No person shall drive or operate, or cause to be driven or operated, any vehicle used for the transportation of goods or property, the gross weight of which, with load, exceeds five tons, upon the streets, bridges and culverts within the City except on designated and marked State, Federal or City truck routes. Drivers of such vehicles whose gross weight, with load, exceeds weight limits prescribed by this section, may deliver or pick up goods or property at places not located on State, Federal, or City truck routes, provided such vehicles are only operated by the shortest way possible between the State, Federal or City truck routes and the place of delivery or pickup, or as otherwise directed by a police officer.
   (b)   All City truck routes as designated in Section 339.13 shall be properly posted at streets intersecting those truck routes warning operators of vehicles used for the transportation of goods or property of weight limits as prescribed in this chapter.
   (c)   All City truck routes as designated in Section 339.13 shall be properly posted at streets intersecting those truck routes warning operators of vehicles used for the transportation of goods or property of streets or highways prohibited to truck traffic.
   (d)   The operator of a vehicle exceeding such weight limits, upon entering the City on a street other than a State, Federal or City truck route, shall proceed immediately by the shortest way possible to the nearest State, Federal or City truck route leading in the direction in which such vehicle is proceeding. (Ord. 126-1962. Passed 1-28-63; Ord. 98-1974. Passed 12-9-74.)