   (A)   The Department of Parks and Recreation shall be headed by the Director of Parks and Recreation. He shall be responsible for all matters relating to a recreation program and a system of parks, and accompanying activities or functions. (‘83 Code, § 31.65)
   (B)   The Director of Parks and Recreation shall be appointed by the City Manager, and shall be the executive officer in charge of the use and maintenance of parks, properties, and buildings owned by the city and assigned to the Department of Parks and Recreation. The Director is responsible for the recreation programs in buildings or on properties of other public or private institutions that may be used by the city through rental, lease, or gifts. (‘83 Code, § 31.66)
   The Department of Parks and Recreation shall have the following specific functions.
   (A)   It shall be charged with the establishment and maintenance of a city recreation program.
   (B)   It shall be charged with the use, maintenance and operation of a park system.
   (C)   It shall be charged with beneficial community services for leisure time activities when and where public or private agencies cannot handle the responsibility.
(‘83 Code, § 31.67)
   (A)   The functions of the City Department of Health shall be performed by the Wayne County Health Department. The city shall enter into such agreements with the Wayne County Health Department as may be necessary to insure the fulfillment of the functions of the City Health Department, as hereinafter set forth, and to insure that the county may be properly compensated for the services of its employees in fulfilling such functions. The Director of the Wayne County Health Department shall be deemed the City Health Officer and shall have all powers accorded the office by the statutes of the state, the Charter of the city, or provisions of this code relating to the public health.
   (B)   The Health Department shall be responsible for the adoption of such measures as will prevent the spread of, or aid in the prevention of communicable diseases. The Director of the Wayne County Department of Health, or his duly authorized representative, shall exercise the power of quarantine and detention within the city.
   (C)   The Health Department shall be responsible for the inspection and supervision of the preparation, manufacture, storage, and sale of all articles and commodities intended for human consumption, and for the regulation of all matters pertaining to sanitary conditions affecting the public health.
(‘83 Code, § 31.75)
   (A)   The City Attorney shall be charged with the performance of all legal services of the city, including those of legal advisor to the Council, the City Manager, and to all departments and officers of the city, and the prosecution of all cases arising out of the violation of the provisions of the city ordinances. He shall also represent the city in matters in which the city is interested, coming before any court or tribunal, and shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Council. He shall be charged with the responsibility for calling to the attention of the City Council all matters of law affecting the city.
   (B)   The compensation set by the Council for the Attorney for the normal duties of the office shall be deemed a salary for budgetary purposes. Extra compensation may be paid to the Attorney for extraordinary services upon approval by the Council.
(‘83 Code, § 31.76)