§ 154.925 VARIANCES.
   (A)   Purpose. A variance is a departure from the dimensional or numerical requirements of this code where such variance will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not as a result of the action of the applicant, a literal enforcement of this code would result in unnecessary and undue hardship. Variances are permitted only to those portions of this code as specified herein.
   (B)   Applicability.
      (1)   As per § 154.917, the Zoning Administrator shall decide all requests for administrative waivers of up to 10% for the setback standards included on Tables 154.202.1, 154.203.1, 154.204.1, and 154.205.1.
      (2)   In accordance with this section, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall hear and decide all requests for variances to all of the bulk standards included on Tables 154.202.1, 154.203.1, 154.204.1, and 154.205.1, except for:
         (a)   Minimum lot area; and
         (b)   Minimum lot width and minimum street frontage.
      (3)   In accordance with this section, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall hear and decide all requests for variances to the residential density standards and nonresidential intensity standards included on Tables 154.207.1 and 154.208.1, respectively, except for:
         (a)   Maximum gross density (Table 154.207.1);
         (b)   Maximum building size without a special use approval (Table 154.208.1); and
         (c)   Maximum building size (Table 154.208.1).
      (4)   In accordance with this section, the City Council shall hear and decide all requests for variances to the following lot area and dimension standards included on Tables 154.202.1 and 154.204.1 as part of preliminary plat approval.
         (a)   Minimum lot area; and
         (b)   Minimum lot width and minimum street frontage.
      (5)   In accordance with this section the Zoning Board of Appeals shall hear and decide all requests for variances to the following, unless other variance provisions are specifically provided for otherwise elsewhere in this code:
         (a)   The nonconforming lot, use, and site and structure regulations contained in §§ 154.201 through 209;
         (b)   Land use specific regulations contained in §§ 154.401 through 154.407;
         (c)   The natural resource protection standard contained in §§ 154.501 through 154.510;
         (d)   The parking, lighting, and landscaping standards contained in §§ 154.601 through 154.605;
         (e)   The general performance standards contained in §§ 154.701 through 154.713; and
         (f)   The sign regulations contained in §§ 154.801 through 154.815.
      (6)   Under no circumstances shall variances be heard or granted for the following:
         (a)   The establishment of a use in a district in which such use is not permitted by this code;
         (b)   Residential development which would result in a maximum gross density that is greater than that permitted in the applicable zoning district;
         (c)   Nonresidential development which would result in a maximum building size that is greater than that permitted in the applicable zoning district;
         (d)   Changes or modifications to any definition contained in this code;
         (e)   Changes in use of or expansion of a new conforming use beyond those permitted in §§ 154.101 through 154.110.
   (C)   Approval criteria. A variance is not a right. It may be granted to an applicant only if the applicant establishes that strict adherence to this code will result in practical difficulties or undue hardships because of site characteristics that are not applicable to most properties in the same zoning district. Such variances shall be granted only when the applicant establishes that all of the following criteria, as applicable, are satisfied:
      (1)   Hardship unique to property, not self-inflicted. There are exceptional conditions creating an undue hardship, applicable only to the property involved or the intended use thereof, which do not apply generally to the other land areas or uses within the same zone district, and such exceptional conditions or undue hardship was not created by the action or inaction of the applicant or owner of the property;
      (2)   Special privilege. The variance will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied to other lands or structures in the same zoning district;
      (3)   Literal interpretation. The literal interpretation of the provisions of the regulations would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant;
      (4)   Reasonable use. The applicant and the owner of the property can not derive a reasonable use of the property without the requested variance;
      (5)   Minimum necessary. The variance is the minimum necessary to make possible the reasonable use of land or structures;
      (6)   Compatible with adjacent properties. The variance will not be injurious to, or reduce the value of, the adjacent properties or improvements or be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. In granting a variance, the decision-maker may impose conditions deemed necessary to protect affected property owners and to protect the intent of this code;
      (7)   Conformance with the purposes of this code. The granting of a variance will not conflict with the purposes and intents expressed or implied in this Code; and
      (8)   Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of a variance will not conflict with the goals and principles in the adopted Comprehensive Plan.
   (D)   Decision-maker. The Zoning Administrator shall make recommendations and the appropriate decision maker as described in division (B) above, shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny requests for variances.
   (E)   Application and review procedures. Application requirements and processing procedures are described in Table 154.918.1 and § 154.919.
(Ord. O-05-04, passed 4-11-05)