(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to alleviate or prevent congestion of public rights-of-ways so as to promote safety and general welfare of the public by establishing minimum requirements for the provision of off-street parking and circulation in accordance with the utilization of various sites.
   (B)   Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to all new development and redevelopment projects as follows:
      (1)   New principal structures. Shall comply with all provisions of this section.
      (2)   Additions to principal structures. Shall comply with all provisions of this section as they apply only to the area of addition.
      (3)   New accessory structures. Accessory structures that contain uses that have parking requirements separate from those of the principal structure and use as per division (H)(3) shall comply with all provisions of this section as they apply only to the accessory structure.
      (4)   Additions to accessory structures. Accessory structures that contain uses that have parking requirements separate from those of the principal structure and use as per division (H)(3) shall comply with all provisions of this section as they apply only to the addition to the accessory structure.
      (5)   Changes in use of existing structure. Shall be exempt provided the change in use does not include any new structures or additions to existing structures.
      (6)   New parking and circulation areas that are not required. Shall comply with all provisions of this section except for the number of spaces required as per division (H).
   (C)   Location of parking areas. All parking and traffic circulation areas shall be shown on the site plan required for development of the property.
      (1)   Distance from parking being served. Off-street automobile parking facilities shall be located as specified below. Where a distance is specified, such distance shall be walking distance measured from the nearest point of the parking area to the nearest entrance of the building that the parking area serves.
         (a)   One- and two-family dwellings. On the same lot with the same building they serve.
         (b)   Three-family to six-family dwellings. On the same lot or parcel of land as the building they serve. For the purpose of this requirement, a group of such uses constructed and maintained under common ownership or management shall be assumed to be on a single lot or parcel of land.
         (c)   Multifamily buildings containing seven or more dwelling units. On the same lot or parcel of land as the building they serve, or on a separate lot or parcel of land (under common ownership) not more than 300 feet from the nearest entrance to the main building being served.
         (d)   Boarding houses and group/institutional residential uses. On the same lot or parcel of land as the main building or buildings being served, or upon properties that are contiguous and under common ownership.
         (e)   Uses other than those specified above. On the same lot or parcel of land as the main building being served, or on a separate lot or parcel of land (under common ownership or long-term lease) not over 1,000 feet of any entrance of the main building.
      (2)   Off-site parking. All off-site parking areas shall comply with the provisions of § 154.406(F).
   (D)   Use of off-street parking. The use of all required off-street parking areas shall be limited to the parking of operable vehicles not for lease, rent, or sale. Within residential districts, required parking spaces shall be used only by operable cars and trucks. Semi/tractor trailers shall be prohibited in all parking areas, except loading areas that comply with § 154.602.
   (E)   Traffic circulation and traffic control. Site circulation shall be designed to provide for the safe and efficient movement of all traffic entering, exiting, and on the site. Circulation shall be provided to meet the individual needs of the site with specific mixing of access and through movements. Circulation patterns shall conform with the general rules of the road and all traffic control measures shall meet the requirements of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
   (F)   Installation and maintenance of off-street parking and traffic circulation areas. All off-street parking and traffic circulation areas shall be completed prior to building occupancy and shall be maintained in a dust-free condition at all times. In no instance shall any off-street parking or traffic circulation area be used as a storage area, except as provided for by §§ 154.401 through 154.407.
   (G)   Off-street parking and traffic circulation design standards.
      (1)   Surface and marking. All open off-street parking areas and driveways, except those accessory to single-family dwellings, shall be improved with either six inches of compacted gravel base surfaced with two inches of asphaltic concrete, or five inches of concrete laid over a firm base or alternative, pervious paving materials over an improved base that provides sufficient bearing capacity. Parking areas intended for six or more parking stalls shall be marked in a manner which clearly indicates the required parking spaces.
      (2)   Curbing. All off-street parking areas designed to have head-in parking adjacent to a landscaped area shall provide a tire bumper or curb of adequate height and which is properly located to ensure that no part of any vehicle will project into the landscape by more that one and one-half feet.
      (3)   Lighting. All off-street parking and traffic circulation areas serving six or more cars shall be lit so as to ensure the safe and efficient use of said areas during the hours of use. An illumination level of between 0.4 and 1.0 footcandles is recommended, however, the illumination level shall not exceed the standards of § 154.604.
      (4)   Access. Each required off-street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway that is wide enough and designed to provide a safe and efficient means of vehicular access to the parking space without directly backing or maneuvering a vehicle into a public right-of-way exceeding 50 feet in width. All off-street parking and traffic circulation facilities shall be designed with an appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner which least interferes with traffic movements. No driveway across public property, or requiring a curb cut, shall exceed a width of 25 feet. Off-street parking spaces for residential uses may be stacked or in front of one another for the same dwelling unit. Parking spaces located behind an enclosed garage and located directly off a through aisle or alley shall be a minimum of 25 feet deep.
      (5)   Signage. All signage located within, or related to, required off-street parking or traffic circulation shall comply with the requirements of this code.
      (6)   Handicapped parking spaces. Parking for the handicapped shall be provided at a size, number, location, and with signage as specified by city, state and federal regulations.
      (7)   Parking space design standards. Other than parking required to serve the handicapped, all off-street parking spaces shall comply with the minimum requirements of Table 154.601.1. The minimum required length of parking spaces shall be 17.5 feet, plus an additional 1.5-foot vehicle overhang area at the end of the stall. All parking spaces shall have a minimum vertical clearance of at least seven feet.
      (8)   Minimum permitted throat length.  Table 154.601.2 provides the minimum permitted throat length of access drives serving parking lots, as measured from the right-of-way line along the centerline of the access drive.
      (9)   Snow storage. Required off-street parking and traffic circulation areas shall not be used for snow storage.
      (10)    Parking lot design standards. Horizontal widths for parking rows, aisles, and modules shall be provided at widths no less than listed in Table 154.601.1. Additional design standards apply to group developments as set forth in § 154.406(A).
      (11)    Landscaping. Parking lot landscaping shall comply with the requirements of the paved area landscaping requirements in § 154.605.
      (12)    Locational prohibitions for off-street parking areas.
         (a)   No portion of any parking space shall be located within a required front yard, excepting, however, that one required parking space for a dwelling unit may be located within the required front yard when sole access to the unit is from a public street and provided said parking space is located on the driveway affording access to a garage or carport attached to the unit. Any wall, fence or hedge developed around any parking area shall be subject to the front yard setback requirements of this chapter in the same manner as the principal structure.
         (b)   Off-street parking shall not be located between the principal structure on a residential lot and a street right-of-way, except within residential driveways and parking lots designated on the approved site plan.
         (c)   No private parking shall occur on street terraces, driveways, or any other areas located within a public right-of-way not explicitly designated by the City Council in Chapter 72 of this code.
      (13)   Alternative parking surfaces and designs. For land uses with infrequent peak periods, such as, but not limited to, churches and other public assembly venues, alternative parking surfaces and designs may be approved upon administrative review of the site plan. The Zoning Administrator may defer approval to the Zoning Board of Appeals as a special use, or a non-administrative highway development permit if the project is within the Highway Corridor Overlay District. The alternatives may include pervious or semi-pervious surfaces and/or other methods intended to reduce the amount of paving required. To receive approval, the applicant shall clearly demonstrate the low frequency of peak use and that the alternative(s) proposed improve the overall quality and function of the site from both a development and natural resources protection perspective. In approving alternatives, the city may attach all conditions as necessary to ensure the public health, safety, and welfare are protected as intended in this section, including a requirement that the use of the approved alternative(s) be monitored at the applicant's expense and regular reports be provided to the city. The city shall also reserve the right to repeal its approval and require full compliance with all standards and regulations of this section if it finds the alternative(s) fails to function as anticipated.
0º (parallel)
0º (parallel)
Stall Width at Parking Angle (SW)
Stall Width Parallel to Aisle (WP)
Stall Depth to Wall (D)
9.0' (a)
19.8' (a)
21.0' (a)
20.8' (a)
19.0' (a)
Stall Depth to Interlock (DI)
Stall Length (including 1.5' curb overhang) (SL)
Aisle Width (AW)
12.0' (b)
12.0' (b)
16.0' (b)
17.20' (b)
26.0' (b)
Throat Length (right-of-way to parking angle (T)
Refer to requirements in Table 154.601.2
Parking Module Width (PMW)
   Wall to Wall (Single-Loaded) (W1)
   Wall to Wall (Double-Loaded) (W2)
   Wall to Interlock (Double-Loaded) (W3)
   Interlock to Interlock (Double-Loaded) (W4)
(a)   Parking spaces located behind an enclosed garage and located directly off a through aisle or alley shall be at least 25 feet deep.
(b)   This dimension represents (AW) for one-way traffic. For two-way traffic, add 8.0 feet to a maximum (AW) of 26.0 feet.
   DIAGRAM FOR TABLE 154.601.1
Any Residential
0 - 100 dwelling units
25 feet
25 feet
101 - 200 dwelling units
50 feet
75 feet
201+ dwelling units
75 feet
125 feet
0 - 50,000 gross sq. ft.
25 feet
50 feet
50,000 - 100,000 gross sq. ft.
25 feet
75 feet
100,000+ gross sq. ft.
50 feet
100 feet
Sales and Service In-Vehicle
0 - 2,000 gross sq. ft.
25 feet
75 feet
2,001+ gross sq. ft.
50 feet
100 feet
Entertainment, Indoor
0 - 15,000 gross sq. ft.
25 feet
50 feet
15,000+ gross sq. ft.
25 feet
75 feet
0 - 150 rooms
25 feet
75 feet
151+ rooms
25 feet
100 feet
All Other Commercial Uses
0 - 25,000 gross sq. ft.
25 feet
50 feet
25,001 - 100,000 gross sq. ft.
25 feet
75 feet
100,000+ gross sq. ft.
25 feet
75 feet
All Industrial Uses
0 - 100,000 gross sq. ft.
25 feet
50 feet
100,001+ gross sq. ft.
50 feet
100 feet
All Other Uses
6+ parking spaces
25 feet
50 feet
   (H)   Calculation of minimum required parking spaces.
      (1)   General guidelines for calculating required parking spaces. The requirements of division (H)(3) below shall be used to determine the minimum required number of off-site parking spaces which must be provided for the proposed use. Requirements are generally tied to the capacity of the use; the gross floor area of the use; or the number of employees which work at the subject property during the largest work shift. The term CAPACITY as used herein means the maximum number of persons that may be accommodated by the use as determined by its design or by the city Building Code regulations, whichever number is greater. References to "employees on the largest work shift" means the maximum number of employees working at the facility at any one time during a single given day, regardless of the time period during which this occurs, and regardless of whether any such person is a full-time employee. The largest work shift may occur on any particular day of the week or during a lunch or dinner period in the case of a restaurant. In all cases, one reserved parking space shall be provided for each vehicle used by the operation during business hours. Said spaces shall be in addition to those required by division (H)(3) below. Where said parking needs of any land use exceed the minimum requirements of this section, additional parking spaces sufficient to meet the average maximum weekly peak-hour parking space demand shall be provided by said land use.
      (2)   Joint parking facilities.
         (a)   Parking facilities which have been approved by the Zoning Administrator to provide required parking for one or more uses shall provide a total number of parking spaces which shall not be less than the sum total of the separate parking needs for each use during any peak hour parking period when said joint parking facility is utilized at the same time by said uses.
         (b)   Each parking space designed to serve as joint parking shall be located as specified in division (C), except as permitted by a special use permit.
         (c)   The applicant(s) for approval of a joint parking facility shall demonstrate to the Zoning Administrator's satisfaction that there is no substantial conflict in the demand for parking during the principal operating hours of the two of more uses for which the joint parking facility is proposed to serve.
         (d)   A legally binding instrument, approved by the City Attorney, shall be executed by any and all parties to be served by said joint parking facility. This instrument shall be recorded with the Jo Daviess County Recorders Office, and filed with the City Clerk.
      (3)   Minimum off-street parking requirements for land uses.
         (a)   The off-street parking requirements for each land use are listed on Table 154.601.3.
         (b)   Permitted uses in the DC district shall be exempt from the requirements of Table 154.601.3. However, parking and circulation areas that are constructed in the DC zoning district shall comply with all other provisions of this section.
TABLE 154.601.3
TABLE 154.601.3
Single-Family Detached Dwelling
3 per unit
Zero Lot Line Development
3 per unit
Twin House
3 per unit
3 per unit
3 per unit
Town House
2.5 per 3-bedroom unit; 2 per 2-bedroom unit; 1 per 1-bedroom unit
2.5 per 3-bedroom unit; 2 per 2-bedroom unit; 1 per 1-bedroom unit or efficiency
2.5 per 3-bedroom unit; 2 per 2-bedroom unit; 1 per 1-bedroom unit or efficiency
Mobile Home
3 per unit on a lot; 2 per unit within a park
Boarding House
1 per room for rent; plus 1 per employee on the largest work shift
Group/Institutional Residential
1 per every 3 residents
1 per every 3 residents, except as listed below
   (monastery or convent)
1 per every 6 residents, plus 1 per employee on the largest work shift, plus 1 per every 5 chapel seats if public may attend
   (nursing home)
1 per every 6 beds, plus 1 per employee on the largest shift, plus 1 per every visiting doctor
1 per employee on the largest work shift
1 per employee on the largest work shift
Agricultural Services
1 per employee on the largest work shift
On-Site Agricultural Retail
1 per every 200 sq. ft. of product display area
Adult-Use Cannabis Agriculture
1 per employee on the largest work shift
Recreation, Outdoor - Passive, Public
1 per 4 patrons at maximum capacity
Recreation, Outdoor - Active, Public
1 per 4 patrons at maximum capacity
Recreation, Outdoor - Campground
1.5 per campsite
Institutional, Outdoor
1 per 3 patrons at maximum capacity, except as listed below
1 per employee, plus 1 per 3 patrons at maximum capacity of all indoor assembly areas
   (golf courses)
36 spaces per 9 holes, plus 1 employee on the largest work shift, plus 50% of spaces otherwise required for any accessory uses (e.g. bars, restaurants, etc.)
   (swimming pools)
1 per 75 sq. ft. of gross water area
   (tennis courts)
3 per court
Institutional, Indoor - Day Care Center   
1 per 5 students, plus 1 per employee on the largest work shift
Institutional, Indoor - General
1 per 3 patrons at maximum capacity, except as listed below
1 per 5 seats at maximum capacity
   (community or recreation center)
1 per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area, or 1 per 4 patrons at maximum capacity, whichever is greater, plus 1 per employee on the largest work shift
   (funeral home)
1 per 3 patron seats at maximum capacity, plus 1 per employee on the largest shift
2 per 3 patient beds, plus 1 per shift doctor and each other employee on the largest work shift
   (library or museum)
1 per 250 sq. ft. or gross floor area, or 1 per 4 seats at maximum capacity, whichever is greater, plus 1 per employee on the largest work shift
   (elementary or junior high school)
1 per teacher and per other shift member, plus 1 per 2 classrooms
   (senior high school)
1 per teacher and other shift member, 1 per 5 non-bused students
   (college or trade school)
1 per shift member on largest work shift, plus 1 per 2 students of the largest class attendance period
Institutional, Indoor - Intensive
1 per 3 patrons at maximum capacity
Public Services and Utilities
1 per employee on the largest work shift, plus 1 per company vehicle normally stored or parked on premises, plus 1 per 500 sq. ft. of office area
1 per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Personal or Professional Service
1 per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Artisan Studio
1 per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Sales and Service, Indoor
1 per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Sales and Service, Outdoor Display
1 per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Sales and Service, In-Vehicle
1 per 50 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Accommodations, Bed and Breakfast
See § 154.406(D)(7)
Accommodations, Small Inn
See § 154.406(D)(8)
Accommodations, Hotel/Motel
1 per bedroom, plus 1 per employee on the largest work shift
Entertainment, Indoor Commercial
1 per 3 patron seats or lockers, whichever is greater; or 1 per 3 patrons at maximum capacity
Entertainment, Outdoor Commercial
1 per 3 patrons at maximum capacity
Entertainment, Adult
1 per 3 patrons at maximum capacity, plus 1 per employee on the largest work shift
Maintenance, Service, Indoor
1 per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Maintenance Service, Outdoor
1 per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Commercial Animal Boarding Services
1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Vehicle Repair and Maintenance
1 per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Accommodations, Vacation Rental
1 per 4 guests
Accommodations, Vacation Rental - Single Room
See § 154.406(H)(9).
Adult-Use Cannabis Commercial
1 per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
1 per employee on the largest work shift, plus 1 per 5 passengers based on average daily ridership
Terminal, Freight
1 per employee on the largest work shift
Distribution Center
1 per employee on the largest work shift, plus 1 per 5 passengers based on average daily ridership
Storage, Personal
1 per employee on the largest work shift
Storage and Wholesaling, Indoor
1 per 2,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Storage and Wholesaling, Outdoor
1 per 10,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area, plus 1 per employee on the largest work shift
Junkyard and Salvage Yard
1 per 20,000 sq. ft. of gross storage area, plus 1 per employee on the largest work shift
Waste Disposal Facility
1 per employee on the largest work shift
Composting Operation
1 per employee on the largest work shift
Industrial, Light
1 per employee on the largest work shift
Industrial, Heavy
1 per employee on the largest work shift
Extraction Use
1 per employee on the largest work shift
Adult-Use Cannabis Industrial
1 per employee on the largest work shift
(Ord. O-05-04, passed 4-11-05; Am. Ord. O-06-32, passed 10-23- 06; Am. Ord. O-16-04, passed 3-14-16; Am. Ord. O-16-19, passed 11-14-16)