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   133.01   Larceny
   133.02   Altering keys
   133.03   Possession of stolen property
   133.04   Defrauding public accommodations
   133.05   Concealing unpurchased merchandise
   133.06   Failure to pay fare for public conveyance
   133.07   False or bogus checks
   133.08   Harmful deception
   133.09   Property destruction or removal
   133.10   Motor vehicle; damaging
   133.11   Utilities, tampering with or damaging
   133.12   Trees and shrubbery; destruction
   133.13   Trespassing; notice; soliciting
   133.14   Congregating, parking on premises after hours
   133.15   Unlawful intrusion on land
   133.16   Throwing or shooting objects at persons or property
   133.17   Littering
   133.18   Posting advertising matter
   133.19   Interference with radio, television or telephone reception
   133.20   False weights
   133.21   Electric fences
   133.22   Garbage container of another; unlawful use
   133.23   Fireworks prohibited; exception
   133.24   Entering upon certain posted property
   133.99   Penalty
§ 133.01 LARCENY.
   (A)   Petit larceny; embezzlement. No person shall steal, take or carry away by fraud or stealth, with intent to deprive another thereof, any personal property under the value of $50, or embezzle any money, personal property or effects of another under the value of $50. This division (A) does not apply to taking property from the person of another.
   (B)   Larceny by false pretense. No person shall induce, or attempt to induce, any person to give up or pay over any money or other thing of value which money or value does not exceed $50, by any false representation or pretense, or in exchange for any false or bogus coin or check, draft or other false evidence of value, or in consideration of refraining from a lawful or unlawful arrest, or in consideration of refraining from reporting any unlawful act to any public official.
(Prior Code, § 5-4B-1) Penalty, see § 133.99
   No person shall make or alter, or attempt to make or alter, any key or other instrument that will open the lock of a building unless requested to do so by some person having the right and authority to make such request.
(Prior Code, § 5-4B-2) Penalty, see § 133.99