(A)   Publication of city expenditures. The city shall publish via the internet on the City of Fort Wayne's website a list of each and every expenditure paid by the City of Fort Wayne or any City of Fort Wayne-owned or operated utilities in which either the City of Fort Wayne or any city-owned or operated utility is the payor. The list of expenditures referenced herein shall be referred to as the Registry of City Expenditures, and shall include the payee, and the amount and date of the expenditure. Expenditures on employee salaries are not excluded from the Registry of City Expenditures but shall only be listed by position and not include a name or other personally identifiable information.
   (B)   The publication of information regarding the purchase of good and services as required in division (A) and this division (B) shall be posted and updated with all available information on a monthly basis. Information required to be published shall remain posted via the internet for public viewing for a period of three years following its initial publication after which time it may be removed from the internet publication.
   (C)   This section shall not apply where publication of such information would be in violation of or is considered confidential under IC 5-14-3 et seq., any other provision of the Indiana Code, or any provision in federal law.
(Ord. G-8-10, passed 7-13-10; Am. Ord. G-15-10, passed 9-14-10)