10-1-1: TITLE:
This title shall be known as the LAND USE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRUITLAND, IDAHO. (1984 Code § 5-1-1)
   A.   Purpose: The purposes of this title shall be to:
      1.   Carry out the intent and purposes of the "local land use planning act", Idaho Code section 67-6501 et seq., as amended;
      2.   Carry out the policies of the comprehensive plan by classifying and regulating the uses of property and structures within the incorporated areas of the city;
      3.   Establish districts within the city in accordance with the adopted comprehensive plan, in conformance with Idaho Code section 67-6511;
      4.   Provide standards for the orderly growth and development of the city. As required by Idaho Code section 67-6511, such standards include, but are not limited to, those regulating:
         a.   The height, number of stories, size, design, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or location of structures.
         b.   Size, minimum lot dimensions, landscape buffers, size of required yards and density of residential properties.
         c.   The use of structures and property;
      5.   Ensure the most appropriate use of properties;
      6.   Protect property rights and enhance property values;
      7.   Provide a method of administration and prescribe penalties for the violations of regulations hereinafter described as authorized by the constitution and laws of the state; and
      8.   Protect and promote health, safety and the general welfare. (1984 Code § 11-1-2)
   B.   Intent: The city council hereby declares that it is the intention that this title does not repeal any existing laws in regard to fire limits, sanitation or otherwise. (1984 Code § 5-17-3)
This title shall consist of the text adopted by ordinance, as amended from time to time, and the official zoning maps, as amended from time to time. Copies are available for review at the Fruitland City Hall or on the City’s website www.fruitland.org. This title and each and all of its terms are to be read and interpreted in light of the designations of the official zoning maps. (1984 Code § 11-1-3; amd. Ord. 682, 5-10-2021)
The regulations of this title shall apply and govern development and use of all properties within the corporate limits of the city and outside the city limits and within the city area of impact for which annexation has been requested, or as otherwise permitted through written agreement with Payette County.
   A.   No person or public agency shall construct, alter, move or change the use of a structure or undertake any development unless:
      1.   The proposed use, structure or division of property complies with this title.
      2.   Any required approval is first obtained as provided by this code, and any applicable conditions of approval are met.
   B.   Nothing in this title shall eliminate the need for obtaining any other required permits, including, but not limited to, building permits, plumbing, electrical or mechanical permits, grading permits, or any permit, approval or entitlement required by other titles of this code, other political subdivisions of the state, or agencies of the state.
   C.   All properties in a commercial or industrial zone within the city corporate limits shall comply with the regulations of this title unless otherwise preempted by federal statute or local law statutory ordinance.
   D.   The prosecution of violations that occurred under previous land use regulations and that remain a violation under this title shall continue until resolved.
   E.   Applications pending as of the effective date of this title:
      1.   Project With Pending Application: All applications shall be processed according to the regulations and requirements in effect as of the date the zoning administrator accepted the application.
      2.   Approved Project With Pending Request For Time Extension: Time extension requests shall be consistent with the requirements that are in effect when the original application was approved.
      3.   Approved Project Not Yet Completed: Any approved application may still be completed as provided by the approval. (1984 Code § 11-1-4)
References in this title to other ordinances or codes of the city and statutes of the state are provided solely for the coordination of this title with such other ordinances and statutes. Any amendments to cited codes that are adopted subsequent to the adoption of this title shall be applicable to this title. (1984 Code § 11-1-8)