A.   Procedure. Preliminary plan reviews are processed through a Type III procedure.
   B.   Submittal requirements.  for a preliminary plan review must contain the information stated below in addition to that required by § 17.1.325.
      1.   General statement. A statement of how the purpose of § 17.4.300 will be achieved by the proposed MUPD. The statement should include sketches or illustrations of the proposed character of the , a description of how the MUPD will relate to surrounding land uses and whether other land reviews are requested.
      2.   Summary report. A summary report identifying the different land uses, including the amount of land for housing, and other non-residential uses, open areas, and parking; the number and type of housing units; and a statement of how necessary services will be provided and whether the services will be publicly or privately owned and operated.
      3.   Drawings of existing conditions. A drawing or drawings must be submitted which display and inventory existing conditions including the items listed below:
         a.   Ground elevations shown with contour lines at two-foot intervals or less;
         b.   Areas of moderate or severe landslide potential, as identified on maps or documented by an engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer;
         c.   General soil types as identified on maps or as documented by an engineering geologist of soils engineer;
         d.   Existing natural features, including rock outcroppings, and , fish and wildlife habitats, ponds, and watercourses;
         e.   Existing on- or abutting sanitary sewage, storm drainage and water supply facilities. If such facilities are not on or abutting the , indicate the direction and distance to the nearest ones;
         f.   Width, location and purpose of all existing of record on or abutting the ;
         g.   A description of the traffic circulation system for all modes on or abutting the , including sizes, level of improvements and condition of the ;
         h.   A description of areas abutting the MUPD, indicating zoning districts, land uses, densities, circulation systems, public service facilities, natural features and approximate locations of nearby ; and
         i.   Any additional information about existing conditions required for a concurrent   .
      4.   MUPD . The must include the information stated below:
         a.    and orientation to the all ;
         b.   The traffic circulation system for all modes, including connections to existing public rights-of-way, off- parking and the ownership of ,   and lighting;
         c.   The general location of parking areas, identify ingress and locations, and the number of spaces to be provided;
         d.   Conceptual plans for pedestrian and bicycle circulation systems;
         e.   Conceptual plans for all necessary services, including their location and whether the services will be publicly or privately owned and maintained;
         f.   Conceptual plans for all facilities for the control and disposal of stormwater and groundwater;
         g.   Conceptual plans for the location and design of public and private open areas or ; and
         h.   Treatment proposed for the periphery of the , including the approximate amount, location and type of any required landscaping.
      5.   Drawings. Drawings showing the existing conditions and the proposed must be at a reasonable size and scale to clearly show all required information. The drawings must display the following:
         a.   Name of the proposed PD;
         b.   Date, north arrow and scale of the drawing;
         c.   Legal description of the PD sufficient to define its location and boundaries;
         d.   Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner, and design team; and
         e.   Appropriate identification of the drawing as a preliminary plan.
      6.    elevations or Design Guidebook. The shall include sample elevations for detached and specific elevations for all other . In lieu of providing detailed elevations for each , the may include a Design Guidebook, created by a qualified architect or urban designer, which outlines the design standards that will be applicable to all within the MUPD including architectural features for all types and identify proposed color palates, materials and typical elevations.
      7.   Phased MUPDs. If the project will be built in phases, a Phasing Plan is required. The Phasing Plan shall:
         a.   Demonstrate how the required mix of uses will be provided through phasing, including the approximate locations, amount in square footage of non-residential uses (a size range may be provided), number of residential units and phasing schedule of each ;
         b.   Demonstrate how on- circulation, parking, landscaping and planting, lighting and other on- improvements will function, after the completion of each phase and following complete buildout of the ; and
         c.   Identify the timeframe, in what order and how proposed public utilities, public facilities and other improvements and necessary to support the project will be constructed, dedicated or reserved.
   C.   Approval criteria. The preliminary plan will be approved if the finds that the has shown that all of the following approval criteria are met:
      1.   The plan fulfills the purpose for MUPDs stated in § 17.4.300;
      2.   The plan meets the submittal requirements of § 17.4.320B.;
      3.   Adequate public services exist or can be provided to serve the proposed MUPD; and
      4.   Where a tentative   is requested, the requirements of Article 8 are met.
   D.   Time limit. Preliminary plan approval is valid for three years and may not be extended.
   The three-year period will not begin until any beyond the jurisdiction of the are completed. Within the three-year time period, the must submit a final plan for the entire , or for the first phase if the MUPD has been approved for phased . The must submit final plans for any subsequent phases within the time limit specified for the phases.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 2016-3, passed 3-28-2016; Ord. 2022-03, passed 8-8-2022)