(A) Any complete development application that has been submitted for approval, but upon which no final action has been taken by the appropriate decision-making body or person prior to March 23, 2010 shall be reviewed and considered in accordance with either the provisions of the development regulations in place on the date of submittal, or this ZDO, at the applicant's option. Any complete development application that is submitted on or after March 23, 2010 shall be reviewed and considered in accordance with the provisions of this ZDO.
(B) If the applicant elects to have the application reviewed under the regulations in place on the date of application submittal:
(1) The application shall be processed in good faith and shall comply with any time frames for review, approval, and completion as established in the regulations in pldce at the time of application submittal. If the application fails to comply with the required time frames, it shall expire and future development shall be subject to the requirements of this ZDO.
(2) If the complete application is approved, the development for which the application was approved shall comply with any time frames and conditions of approval imposed as part of the development approval, or the development approval shall expire and future development shall be subject to the requirements of this ZDO.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)