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Meeting Minutes
Folly Beach Code of Ordinances
   § 160.07-01 City Council Determination.
   The City Council shall determine the zoning designation of lands added to the city's jurisdiction through annexation at the time such lands are added based on the following factors:
   (A)   The land's designation on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan;
   (B)   The land's current land use;
   (C)   The existence of a previously-approved site or subdivision plan;
   (D)   The character of adjacent lands;
   (E)   Current county zoning designations;
   (F)   Landowner requests; and
   (G)   Other factors considered relevant at the time of the annexation.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)
   § 160.07-02 Landowner Request.
   Any landowner within an area to be added to the city's jurisdiction through annexation may submit a petition requesting a specific zoning designation. If such petition is received prior to the time the land is added to the city's jurisdiction, then the public hearing for the application of a base zoning district may be held concurrently with any public hearing required for the annexation. (See § 162.03-01, Amendments to Text and Official Zoning Map)
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)