The purpose and intent of this ZDO is to guide development in accordance with the existing and future needs of the city and its Comprehensive Plan, and to promote the public health, safety, convenience, order, appearance, prosperity, and general welfare of the landowners and residents of the city, and other members of the public. The purpose and intent of this ZDO is more specifically to:
(A) Provide for adequate light and air.
(B) Lessen congestion in the streets.
(C) Secure safety from fire, flood, and other dangers.
(D) Encourage the development of an economically sound and stable city.
(E) Promote quality housing and encourage a diversity of housing options.
(F) Promote the downtown as a center of commerce, government, arts, culture, entertainment, and residential life.
(G) Encourage infill development that is consistent with its context and compatible with surrounding uses.
(H) Protect and preserve the character of existing neighborhoods.
(I) Promote and encourage the development of neighborhoods that maintain the city's character, and are well-connected, pedestrian-friendly, and sensitive to natural features.
(J) Protect and preserve scenic, historic, and environmentally-sensitive areas.
(K) Provide standards and incentives for tree preservation and protection.
(L) Protect riparian areas.
(M) Provide for adequate and meaningful open space.
(N) Encourage and ensure new residential and business development is consistent with the general character of the city, and compatible with surrounding uses.
(O) Encourage compact and sustainable growth and development where appropriate, while avoiding undue concentrations of population.
(P) Facilitate the adequate provision or availability of transportation, police protection, fire protection, water, sewage, schools, parks, and other public facilities.
(Q) Regulate the use, density, distribution of population, and character of development on land to carry out these purposes.
(R) Implement the Comprehensive Plan.
(S) Promote energy conservation through green building practices.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)
Except as stated herein, the provisions of the ZDO shall apply to:
(A) Development of land owned or held in tenancy by the city or its agencies or departments.
(B) Development of land owned or held in tenancy by any county of South Carolina and its agencies or departments.
(C) Development of land owned or held in tenancy by the state of South Carolina, its agencies, departments or political subdivisions.
(D) To the full extent permitted by law, development of land owned or held in tenancy by the government of the United States, its agencies, departments or corporate services.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)
No structure or land shall be used and no structure or part thereof shall be located, erected, moved, reconstructed, extended, converted, demolished or structurally altered, without full compliance with the provisions of the ZDO and all other applicable city, state, and federal regulations.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)
(A) Acquisition of interest in land by state for public purposes. The provisions of this ZDO shall not require formal subdivision of land as a result of actions taken by the State of South Carolina and its political subdivisions to acquire land or interests in land for public rights-of-way and easements.
(B) Emergency action by city. The city or city agencies or departments may be exempt from the provisions of this ZDO when an emergency exists such that it is impossible to submit to the normal procedures and requirements of this ZDO and quick and instant action is necessary to secure the public health, safety, or welfare. The City Council shall ratify such exemption after the fact at its next regularly scheduled meeting, and shall base its ratification on specified findings of fact related to the emergency involved.
(C) Homes for the disabled. Pursuant to S.C. Code § 6-29-770(E), the provisions of this ZDO do not apply to a home serving nine or fewer mentally or physically handicapped persons if the home provides care on a 24-hour basis and is approved or licensed by a state agency or department or is under contract with the agency or department for that purpose. Pursuant to S.C. Code § 6-29-770(E), prior to locating a home for handicapped persons in the city, the appropriate state agency or department or the private entity proposing to operate the home shall first give prior notice to the city, advising of the exact location of the proposed home, and comply with the other requirements of that provision, state law, and federal law.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)