(A)   The town does hereby intend to create Street Maintenance District No. 1.
   (B)   The term MAINTENANCE, as used herein, includes, but is not limited to, sprinkling, graveling, oiling, chip sealing, seal coating, overlaying, treating, general cleaning, sweeping, flushing, snow removal, leaf and debris removal, the repair of traffic signs, the placement and maintenance of pavement markings, curb and gutter repair, and minor sidewalk repair that includes cracking, chipping, sinking and replacement of not more than six feet of sidewalk in any 100-foot portion of sidewalk.
   (C)   Street Maintenance District No. 1 consists of an area that includes the lots and tracts within the boundary drawn on Exhibit “A”, attached to the ordinance codified herein and incorporated herein by this specific reference, and within the legal description contained in Exhibit “B”, attached to the ordinance codified herein and incorporated herein by this specific reference.
   (D)   Street Maintenance District No. 1 is created for the maintenance of all or part of the streets or avenues within the boundary of Street Maintenance District No. 1.
   (E)   The method of assessment for Street Maintenance District No. 1 shall be each lot or parcel of land within the District be assessed for that part of the cost that its assessable area bears to the assessable area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places.
   (F)   The term ASSESSABLE AREA, as used herein, means the portion of a lot or parcel of land that has benefitted by the Maintenance District.
   (G)   Maintenance within Street Maintenance District No. 1 shall be performed by contract or by forces employed by the town, or both, as deemed appropriate by the Town Council and Mayor.
   (H)   Maintenance shall be paid for by annual assessment by resolution of the Town Council adopted as provided for in M.C.A. Title 7, Ch. 12, part 44.
(Ord. 334, passed 4-16-2018)