All sidewalks and curbs shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner following.
   (A)   The foundation shall be the natural, undisturbed soil; except that, all vegetation shall be removed from the surface, tamped where necessary to ensure no further settling, or where filling is necessary, it shall consist of sand, gravel or cinder, well tamped. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent settling of any kind.
   (B)   All sidewalks and curbs shall be constructed of Class “A” concrete mix containing the following minimum quantities and proportions of materials: one sack of portland cement to not more than two and one-half cubic feet of fine aggregate and not more than three and one-half feet of coarse aggregate using not to exceed six and one-half gallons of water. Pit run gravel shall not be used. Care shall be taken in working it into place so that the finished slab will have no voids or scams. Proper expansion joints shall be provided to take up all movement due to expansion and contraction of the walk resulting from changes of temperature.
   (C)   All sidewalks shall be built to a minimum thickness of four inches and must be composed of a homogenous piur and not a finished coat. All sidewalks shall be given a broom finish.
   (D)   In a block where there is an existing sidewalk adjacent to the property line, new sidewalks shall be so constructed as to conform thereto insofar as possible without violating the express provisions of this subchapter.
   (E)   Only Class “A” concrete shall be used. Cement shall be fresh portland. Gravel shall be clean and shall consist of sharp sand with a properly graded gravel aggregate. No gravel having pebbles or stones over one and one-half inches in diameter shall be used. All dirt and foreign matter shall be removed from the gravel before use.
   (F)   All sidewalks must be built to line and grade as established and with side slope of one-eighth inch per foot in width of walk.
   (G)   Curb type sidewalks shall be four feet in width, and interior type sidewalks shall be five feet in width.
   (H)   In areas where it is desired to install curbing, same shall be of the same type and design, and made to the same standards and specifications as existing curbing, and under the supervision and control of the Town Engineer.
   (I)   All curbs shall be of roll type and shall be constructed of the same Class “A” concrete as required for sidewalks, and so as to comply with the line and grade as heretobefore established in the town.
(Prior Code, § 12.04.060) (Ord. 195, passed - -) Penalty, see § 151.99