§ 151.02 STREET CUTS; FEE.
   (A)   Permit required. It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to cut any street or alley for the purpose of connecting, laying or repairing any sewer or water connection or to open the same in any way for any purpose without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Director of Public Works and posting a cash bond as hereinafter provided. All permits granted shall be in writing upon a form to be provided by the Director of Public Works, incorporating as a part the specifications herein provided for.
   (B)   Fee. The fee for any person or entity being granted such permit shall be $1,000. The sum of $500 may be returned to the person or entity upon approval by the Director of Public Works after the passage of six months from the approval of backfill and compression if the cut is in asphalt and after the passage of one year from approval of backfill and compression if the cut is in gravel.
   (C)   Bond.
      (1)   Before the Director of Public Works issues any such permit pursuant to this section, the applicant shall file an application with the Town Clerk in such from as provided by the town.
      (2)   The applicant shall designate the exact location where he, she or it proposes to cut any street or alley and shall leave on deposit with the Town Clerk the sum of $1,000 by way of cash bond for the use and benefit of the town’s Street Department.
      (3)   Such cash bond shall be conditioned that the applicant will replace such street or alley in compliance with State Public Works specifications for replacement of street or alley openings.
   (D)   Inspection. It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works to be present during the compaction of the cut area and said area shall not be resurfaced until the Director of Public Works has inspected and approved the backfill and compression.
(Ord. 328, passed 6-8-2015) Penalty, see § 151.99