§ 52.36 LAYING PIPE.
   Sewer connections shall be made of good, sound, salt-glazed vitrified pipe, laid on a uniform grade not less that three feet below the surface. All changes in the direction of the sewer shall be made by bends, or other suitable fittings. No pipe shall be cut, chipped or have its glaze otherwise destroyed, except by permission of the inspector and done under his or her supervision. Each pipe must be carefully bedded as laid, the joint filled with cement mortar (mix), mixed with one part portland cement to three parts sand, except where wet ground is encountered, when the joint shall be filled with GK Compound or some equally good asphaltic joining compound, and the earth free from rock, thoroughly tamped about it to hold it in place. A sack containing a suitable quantity of sand shall be removed from be removed from the pipe by the drain layer, up on the completion of the sewer connection. The vitrified pipe shall not approach within two feet of any building, cellar, vault or areaway from which point cast iron pipe shall be used. Should soil pipe have been laid at this point by the plumber, the drain layer shall see that it properly enters the vitrified pipe and shall connect the two so as to effectively exclude all foreign material.
(Prior Code, § 4.04.130) (Ord. 160, passed - -; Ord. 252, passed - -; Ord. 254, passed - -)