§ 52.27 BOND.
   Upon the granting of such license and before the same has been issued, the applicant or applicants shall file with the Town Clerk, a bond in the sum or $1,000, which bond shall be approved by the Mayor and Town Attorney, and conditioned for the protection of the town against all loss or damage which may occur on account of such license, through any carelessness or negligence in either the execution or protection of his or her work by reason of any unfaithful or inadequate work done by such person, firm or corporation, or his, her or their employees and that said licenses as such will also conform to all the conditions and requirements of the town for his or her or the town government, or in default thereof, will submit to such penalties as are, or may be, prescribed by the Town Engineer, the authorized inspector or the Town Council.
(Prior Code, § 4.04.040) (Ord. 160, passed - -; Ord. 252, passed - -; Ord. 254, passed - -)