The service drain or pipe within and without the premises and through its entire length to the town sewer system must be laid and kept in repair at the expense of the owner, who shall be responsible for all damages resulting from leaks, breaks and obstructions. No claim shall be made against the town on account of the breaking of any service, drain or sewer pipe or apparatus or for the failure in discharge of sewage to the town sewer system. When there is a leak or obstruction in the street and it is doubtful whether the leak or obstruction is from a break in the town sewer system or from a private service pipe, employees of the town shall determine which it is from. If the leak or obstruction is found to be from the town sewer system, the town will make all repairs, but if it is from the service pipe the owner of the property or agent will be notified and must immediately take charge of the excavation, repair the leak or obstruction, replace the street and be responsible for all the damages which may result. In case the owner or agent does not make repairs at once, the town will proceed, and all bills for labor and material will become a charge against said property and shall be collected from the owner or agent. At the end of the month, in case the bill is not paid, the enforcement of payment thereof will be performed in the same manner as for payment of bills for sewer usage.
(Prior Code, § 4.08.150)