General Provisions
35.01 Department created
35.02 Appointments
35.03 Rank
35.04 Duties of Fire Chief
35.05 Duties of members
35.06 Command at fires
35.07 Records
35.08 Obedience to orders
35.09 Rules and regulations
35.10 Volunteers
35.11 Bonds
35.12 Temporary appointments
35.13 Terms of office
35.14 Foreign fire insurance companies
35.15 Reimbursement for hazardous material responses
Firefighting Service Outside of City Limits
35.25 Firefighters’ Pension Fund; coverage
Rules and Regulations Provided for the Efficient Service of Fire Department
35.45 Illegal to drive across fire hose while in use
35.46 Illegal to obstruct firefighters or equipment while in use
35.47 Illegal to park vehicles in any way hindering operation of fire truck or within five feet of either side of the doors of fire house
35.48 Illegal to remove firefighting equipment from storage
35.49 Illegal to obstruct use of fire hydrant
35.50 Regulation of automatic alarms, alerting devices and mechanical dialers
35.51 Required maintenance for alarms; false alarms due to lack of maintenance
35.99 Penalty