(A) Rainwater Leaders: Roof leaders, surface drains or groundwater drains shall not be connected to the sanitary sewer.
(B) Use Of Public Sewer Required: Where a public sewer is accessible in a street or alley to a building or premises abutting thereon the liquid wastes from any plumbing system in said building shall discharge into the public sewer unless otherwise authorized by the governing body.
(C) Connection To The Main Public Sewer: Before any connection is made to a public sewer, an approved permit for such connection must be obtained from the governing body or its designated representative.
Each connection shall be made at the "Y" designated for that property. The only exception shall be where the designated "Y" is not located within three feet (3') of the point of measurement furnished by the local governing body. Any connection not made at the designated "Y" in the main sewer shall be made under the direct supervision of the sewer inspector. (Ord. 167, 3-1-1956)