Any person whose registration is revoked may, within ten days after the receipt of a revocation notice, which shall be certified by mail to the address in the application, appeal to the Mayor by filing with the Mayor a signed, written statement briefly setting forth his ground of appeal. The appellant may then appear in person or by his attorney, before the Mayor at a time and date to be set by the Mayor, whereafter, the Mayor shall reconsider the revocation and uphold the revocation or reverse the same. The decision of the Mayor shall be final.
(Ord. 65-40. Passed 4-19-65.)
No registration granted or issued under this chapter shall be assignable or transferable, nor shall any such registration authorize any person, other than the one named therein, to do business as a solicitor, canvasser or peddler, or authorize any other business than is therein mentioned or named to be done or transacted.
(Ord. 65-40. Passed 4-19-65.)
Persons who do not wish to have any soliciting, canvassing or peddling done upon their premises shall post in a conspicuous place upon said premises a sign which says "No Solicitors" or words of similar import. Any solicitor, canvasser or peddler who fails to honor such sign shall be deemed to have committed a trespass.
(Ord. 93-134. Passed 5-3-93.)
Whoever violates any provision or requirement of this chapter shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor. Each sale or attempted sale made by any person in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be a distinct separate offense. Upon conviction, the City shall revoke the registration of any person and shall demand the return of the identification card issued hereunder, and no further registration shall be issued for six months following the date of the conviction.
(Ord. 65-40. Passed 4-19-65; Ord. 2010-123. Passed 9-7-10.)