The Safety-Service Director shall have the administrative supervision of all divisions, bureaus and other units within the Department of Safety and Service and shall be responsible to the Mayor for the enforcement of all regulations and the execution of all work of the Department of Safety and Service. The Safety-Service Director may promulgate written rules for the government and conduct of the police, fire and other divisions and bureaus or other units within the Department of Safety and Service, The Safety-Service Director may delegate any powers, duties and functions to Assistant Safety-Service Directors.
Until a Division of Purchasing and Personnel shall have been created and the Director of Purchasing and Personnel shall have been appointed as provided by Sec. 10.05 of this Charter, the Safety-Service Director shall make, subject to the civil service requirements provided under this Charter, original and promotional appointments of City employees within the classified and unclassified service of the City's departments, divisions, bureaus, boards and commissions, except as such appointments are otherwise provided for by this Charter; and further, such power of appointment of employees shall not extend to the offices of City Law Director, City Finance Director, Council, Clerk of Council, the Civil Service Commission, nor to the appointment of the head of any department, division or bureau. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, the Mayor shall appoint the heads of departments, divisions and bureaus of the City.
The Safety-Service Director shall have such other powers as Council may confer upon him by ordinance.
(Amended 11-5-91; 5-8-01; 11-6-12)
The work of the Department of Safety and Service shall be distributed among the following organizational units:
a. The Division of Fire;
b. The Division of Police, which may include an auxiliary police unit and shall include a Bureau of Weights and Measures;
c. The Division of Building and Zoning Inspection;
d. The Division of Communications;
e. The Division of Engineering;
f. The Division of Streets;
g. The Division of Public Buildings and Works, which shall include a Bureau of Parking Meter Collection and Maintenance and a Bureau of Building Maintenance;
h. The Division of Utilities, which shall include a Bureau of Water Pumping, a Bureau of Water Distribution, a Bureau of Sewage Treatment, a Bureau of Sanitation, and a Public Utilities Office;
i. The Division of Cemeteries;
j. The Division of Forestry; and
k. Such other divisions; bureaus and other organizational units as may be created or modified by ordinance of Council.
(Amended 5-8-01)
The Council may create a Division of Purchasing and Personnel by ordinance. When such Division is created the Mayor shall appoint a Director of Purchasing and Personnel who shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and may be removed by the Mayor without cause. The Director of Purchasing and Personnel shall not serve as the head of any other division or bureau within the Department of Safety and Service; however, the person holding the offices of Administrative Finance Counsel or Safety- Service Director may be appointed to the position of Director of Purchasing and Personnel.
The Director of Purchasing and Personnel shall have powers to execute contracts and orders on behalf of the City as are granted to him in Sec. 5.04(9) of this Charter.
The Director of Purchasing and Personnel shall make, subject to the civil service requirements provided under this Charter, original and promotional appointments of City employees within the classified and unclassified service of the City's departments, divisions, bureaus, boards and commissions, except as such appointments are otherwise provided for by this Charter; and further, such power of appointment of employees shall not extend to the offices of City Law Director, City Finance Director, Council, Clerk of Council, the Civil Service Commission, nor to the appointments of the head of any department, division or bureau. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, the Mayor shall appoint the heads of departments, divisions and bureaus of the City.
(Amended 5-8-01; 11-6-12)