(A)   Any taxicab license granted under the terms and provisions of this chapter may be suspended or revoked by the City Controller if the taxicab is, with the knowledge and consent of the owner, used for, or the driver is, with the knowledge and consent of the owner, engaged in immoral or illegal business in violation of any city ordinance, state or federal law. Any person aggrieved by the conduct or action of any taxicab driver or owner in the operation of the taxicab, may present a complaint to any police officer of the city, and it shall be the duty of the Police Department to promptly investigate the complaint and take appropriate action in the premises. No owner or taxicab operator shall permit any unlicensed driver or any driver whose license has been suspended or revoked, to operate any taxicab within the city.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of every person driving or operating a taxicab to be courteous, to refrain from swearing, loud talk or boisterous conduct, to permit no person of the opposite sex to occupy the seat beside him or her, unless carrying a capacity load, to drive his motor vehicle carefully and in full compliance with all traffic laws, ordinances, regulations or orders of the Police Department of the city, and to deal honestly with the public and with his employer.
(1979 Code, § 116.16) (Ord. 1355, passed 7-21-1943) Penalty, see § 116.99