   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires otherwise.
   DRIVER. The person who is physically operating the vehicle.
   OWNER. Any individual copartnership, association or corporation, their lessees, heirs or assigns.
   PASSENGER. Any person other than the driver of the vehicle who boards a taxicab either within or without the city for the purpose of being carried or transported into, in or through the city.
   STREET. Any street, avenue, boulevard, parkway, alleyway, highway or other public place.
   TAXICAB. Every vehicle used for the carrying of passengers for hire. However, this chapter shall not apply to vehicles commonly denominated as buses which have or may acquire a franchise to operate upon the streets of the city upon a regular schedule.
(1979 Code, § 116.01) (Ord. 1355, passed 7-21-1943)