   (A)   Except as otherwise provided in § 157.001, no person, firm or corporation shall in any manner undertake to execute or perform any work of installing, maintaining, altering or repairing any electrical equipment unless the work is performed or supervised by a holder of a Class A Electrical Contractor’s License, as defined, and has a certificate as provided for in § 157.016. Nor shall any person, firm or corporation execute or perform any work other than as specifically permitted under the license held by that person performing or supervising the work for a firm or corporation.
   (B)   However, this provision shall not apply to any person employed by and working under the direction of a holder of a Class A Electrical Contractor’s License or a Class B Industrial Electrical License and no license shall be required in order to execute or perform any of the following electrical work:
      (1)   The replacement of switches, receptacles and lamps, or the connection of portable electrical equipment to suitable permanently installed receptacles;
      (2)    Electric wiring expressly declared to be not covered by the provisions of this electrical code by any other sections hereof or by any other provisions of the rules adopted in § 157.003;
      (3)    The installation, alteration or repair of electrical equipment for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence by wire;
      (4)    Any work involved in the manufacturing, testing, servicing, altering or repairing of electrical equipment or apparatus; (This exemption shall not include any permanent wiring other than that required for testing purposes.)
      (5)    The assembly, erection and connection of electrical equipment by the manufacturer of the equipment, but not including any electric wiring other than that involved in making electrical connections on the equipment itself or between 2 or more parts of this equipment;
      (6)    All work involved in the repairing and maintenance of elevators, dumbwaiters and escalators; and
      (7)    The owner of a single-family dwelling including the usual accessory buildings may do electrical work in such dwelling or accessory buildings provided:
         (a)    The owner proves to the satisfaction of the Electrical Inspector, by examination, that the owner is qualified to perform the work;
         (b)    The dwelling is, or is to be, occupied by the owner;
         (c)    The dwelling is a detached building containing no other dwelling unit or other occupancy;
         (d)    There are no other buildings, other than the dwelling and accessory buildings located on the premises;
         (e)    No more than one such permit has been issued to the same person in the preceding 48 calendar months;
         (f)    All work shall be done by the owner; and
         (g)    The owner files with the Electrical Inspector an affidavit stating all of the foregoing facts.
(1979 Code. § 157.10) (Ord. 1453, passed 6-1-1949; Am. Ord. 3451, passed 5-2-1983; Am. Ord. 3460, passed 6-6-1983; Am. Ord. 3999, passed 9-10-1990; Am. Ord. 5070, passed 12-3-2007 )
   The license and certificates therefor shall be issued by the Board, which shall be known as a Class A, Electrical Contractor’s or Master Electrician’s License.
(1979 Code, § 157.11) (Ord. 1453, passed 6-1-1949; Am. Ord. 3295, passed 4-8-1981; Am. Ord. 3451, passed 5-2-1983; Am. Ord. 3460, passed 6-6-1983; Am. Ord. 5070, passed 12-3-2007 ) Penalty, see § 157.999
   (A)   Upon the approval of the Examining Board, the Electrical Inspector is authorized to issue this license under the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Before a license is granted to any applicant, a fee of $100 shall be paid for a Class A license, and before any Class A license is renewed, a fee of $100 shall be paid.
   (C)   (1)   Each license shall expire on December 31 following the date of its issuance and shall be renewed upon application of the holder of the license and payment of the required fee.
      (2)   All licenses must be renewed on or before the date of expiration, and any license becoming 30 days delinquent shall be suspended and remain suspended until all renewal fees and any late fees, if applicable, are paid in full.
(1979 Code, § 157.12) (Ord. 1453, passed 6-1-1949; Am. Ord. 3295, passed 4-8-1981; Am. Ord. 3451, passed 5-2-1983; Am. Ord. 3460, passed 6-6-1983; Am. Ord. 5070, passed 12-3-2007 ) Penalty, see § 157.999