It shall be a violation for any person to in any way cause to be placed, planted or located any building, structure, shrubbery, tree, any other planted material or any ornamental landscaping material, or to change the grade of the land, adjacent to or in the vicinity of any fire hydrant, so that the fire hydrant is obstructed from view or use or is rendered inoperable.
(Prior Code, § 92.093) (Ord. 37, passed 11-4-1991) Penalty, see § 92.999
It shall be a violation for any person to in any way cause to be placed, planted or located any human-made material or shrubbery, tree or any other planted material, or to change the grade of the land, within or adjacent to any street right-of-way or on any private property that obstructs the view of any motorist, at a street intersection, from being able to view oncoming traffic and operate a motor vehicle in a safe manner.
(Prior Code, § 92.094) (Ord. 37, passed 11-4-1991) Penalty, see § 92.999
It shall be the responsibility of all persons owning property to maintain any drainageway on their private property in a manner that allows for the proper utilization of the drainageway. It shall be a violation for any person to in any way cause to be placed in or across any drainageway any obstruction, including grass clippings, tree limbs and debris of any land whatsoever that alters, restricts or prohibits the drainageway from functioning in a proper manner, unless prior approval is given by the city as provided for by ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 92.095) (Ord. 37, passed 11-4-1991) Penalty, see § 92.999
(A) It shall be a violation for any person to in any way cause to be placed across any sidewalk, street, street crossing, alley, public highway or railroad crossing any blockade or obstruction to remain thereon for a greater length of time than five minutes, unless prior approval is granted by the appropriate city department.
(B) This section shall not apply to the blocking or obstructing of any sidewalk, street, street crossing, alley, public highway or railroad crossing done by any public utility or other authorized person in an emergency situation or to repair a public utility service.
(Prior Code, § 92.096) (Ord. 37, passed 11-4-1991) Penalty, see § 92.999
The owners of property abutting on sidewalks of the city are required, at their own expense, to repair or replace that part of any sidewalk adjoining or on their property, by filling and repairing any holes, uneven surfaces, and other defects, by using materials as nearly similar as possible to that of which the sidewalk is constructed.
(Prior Code, § 92.097) (Ord. 37, passed 11-4-1991) Penalty, see § 92.999
It shall be the duty of the Director of the Department of Planning and Development, or any city employee designated by him or her, to ascertain the extent of holes, uneven surfaces or other defects in the sidewalks in the city, and to notify the owners of the property directly adjacent to that part of the sidewalk which is found to be defective, to repair or replace the same at their own expense within a period of 30 days after receiving the notice.
(Prior Code, § 92.098) (Ord. passed 12-16-2018)
Any owner of property who shall fail to repair the sidewalk as set out above within 30 days after receiving notice shall be guilty of a violation of this code for each day that the sidewalk remains unrepaired after the period fixed by the notice.
(Prior Code, § 92.099) (Ord. passed 12-16-2018)
(A) The city may, at its option, after notifying the property owners to repair the sidewalk as set out above, enter upon the sidewalk and repair or replace it in the same manner as set out above, and shall bill the respective property owners for the cost of labor and materials for the repair of the sidewalk, and the city shall have a lien against the property for the payment of such costs.
(B) After expiration of 30 days after the work on the repairing of the sidewalk is performed by the city, the property owners shall be liable for a penalty of 3% per annum of the cost of the labor and materials, and the same shall be a lien against the property and shall run with the land until paid.
(Prior Code, § 92.100) (Ord. passed 12-16-2018)