98.01 Closing hours at Freeman Lake Park; American Legion Park
98.02 Motor vehicle use in recreational areas
98.03 Fishing on Freeman Lake
98.04 Swimming in city-owned or occupied reservoirs
98.05 Use of impoundment or reservoir without permission prohibited
98.06 Fishing in city impoundments and lakes
98.07 Maintenance of certain city-owned property in natural state
98.08 Fees for recreational facility
98.99 Penalty
Freeman Lake Park, Nature Park and American Legion Park shall be open at 7:00 a.m. unless otherwise posted and shall be closed at sunset and all persons shall leave these parks before sunset each day unless prior approval is granted by the city.
(Prior Code, § 98.01) (Ord. passed 6-6-1977; Ord. 04-2002, passed 2-19-2002) Penalty, see § 98.99