General Provisions
91.001 Street names
91.002 Street maintenance
Excavations and Construction
91.015 Opening permit required
91.016 Application and cash deposit
91.017 Restoration of pavement
91.018 Barriers around excavations
91.019 Warning lights
91.030 Barbed wire fences
91.031 Removal of ice and snow
Entrance and Encroachments
91.045 Purpose
91.046 Authority; administrative agency
91.047 Area of jurisdiction
91.048 Compliance with other codes, statutes and regulations required
91.049 Variances
91.050 Disclaimer of liability
91.051 Complaints regarding violations
91.052 Entrance permits
91.053 Encroachment permits
91.054 General permit standards
91.055 Entrance construction standards
91.056 Encroachment permit construction standards
91.057 Special design standards
Street and House Numbering
91.070 Street numbering system
91.071 Department of Planning and Development to assign street numbers
91.072 Display of street address required
91.073 Specifications for numerals indicating street address
91.074 Street numbers to be obtained and displayed before issuance of building permit or certificate of occupancy
91.075 Tampering with; defacing street numbers prohibited
91.076 Non-compliance
Trees on Public Property
91.090 Street tree species to be planted
91.091 Spacing
91.092 Distance from curb to sidewalk
91.093 Distance from street corners and fire hydrant
91.094 Utilities
91.095 Public tree care
91.096 Tree topping
91.097 Pruning, corner clearance
91.098 Dead or diseased tree removal on private property
91.099 Removal of stumps
91.100 Interference with city’s Engineering Department
91.101 Arborists license and bond
91.102 Review by City Council
Skateboards, Skates and Non-Motorized Transportation Devices
91.115 Definitions
91.116 Operation prohibited
91.117 Confiscation
91.999 Penalty