The keeping, placing or storage outside of any building or dwelling of any appliance or the keeping, placing or storage in any other place accessible to children of any appliance shall be a violation of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 92.039) (Ord. 37, passed 11-4-1991) Penalty, see § 92.999
(A) All grass, weeds and other vegetation shall be cut and trimmed on a regular basis by the owner and/or occupant of all property to a height of not more than ten inches at all times, so long as the property is less than two acres in total area and so long as the property is not agricultural or woodlands.
(B) (1) For property of at least two acres in size and does not contain a dwelling unit, or property that is primarily used for an agricultural use, then the grass, weeds and vegetation thereon shall be mowed, cut or trimmed to a height commensurate with the customary practice for agricultural use.
(2) At no time shall the height of any non-harvested crop exceed 36 inches.
(Prior Code, § 92.051) (Ord. 37, passed 11-4-1991) Penalty, see § 92.999