1147.01 Enforcement by Zoning Inspector.
1147.02 Zoning permits.
1147.03 Conditions under which zoning permits are required.
1147.04 Application and issuance of zoning permits.
1147.05 General provisions for zoning permit applications.
1147.06 Conditions under which zoning certificates are required.
1147.07 Applications and issuance of zoning certificates.
1147.08 Fees.
1147.09 Violations and penalties.
1147.10 Violations - remedies.
Violation of zoning ordinance - see Ohio R.C. 713.10
There is hereby established the Office of Zoning Inspector. It shall be the duty of the Zoning Inspector to enforce this Ordinance in accordance with the administrative provisions of this Ordinance.
All departments, officials and public employees of the Village vested with the duty or authority to issue permits and certificates shall conform with the provisions of this Ordinance and shall issue no permit certificate for any use, building or purpose in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance. Any permit or certificate issued in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be null and void.
The Zoning Inspector shall have authority to issue a cease and desist for any violations of this Ordinance.
An appeal from the decision of the Zoning Inspector may be made to the Village Board of Zoning and Building Appeals as provided in Chapter 1149.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
It shall be unlawful for an owner to use or permit the use of any structure, building or land or part thereof, hereafter created, erected; changed, converted or enlarged, wholly or partly, until a Zoning Permit has been issued by the Zoning Inspector. It shall be the duty of the Zoning Inspector to issue a permit, provided he/she is satisfied that the structure, building or premises and the proposed use thereof conforms with all requirements of this Ordinance. No permit for excavation, construction or reconstruction shall be issued by the Zoning Inspector unless the plans, specifications and the intended use conform to the provisions of this Ordinance.
Upon written request from the owner or tenant the Zoning Inspector shall issue a Zoning
Permit for any building or premises existing at the time of enactment of this Ordinance certifying after inspection the extent and kind of use made of the building or premises and whether such use conforms to the provisions of this Ordinance. (Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
A Zoning Permit shall be required for any of the following:
(a) Construction or structural alteration of any building, including accessory buildings.
(b) Change in the use of land to a use of a different classification.
(c) Any change in the use of a non-conforming use.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)