1149.01 Appointment.
1149.02 Procedure.
1149.03 Quorum.
1149.04 Assistance.
1149.05 Appeals, hearing and stay of proceedings.
1149.06 Decisions of the Board.
1149.07 Appeal from decisions of the Board.
1149.08 Stay of proceedings.
1149.09 Variances.
1149.10 Additional powers of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
1149.11 Fees.
1149.12 Expediated variances.
Council may amend zoning - see Ohio R.C. 713.10
Appeals - see Ohio R.C. 713.11, Ch. 2506
There is hereby established a Village Board of Zoning Appeals. The Board shall consist of three (3) electors of Elida who hold no other public office, or public employment, selected by Village Council for terms of three (3) years for overlapping terms, and two (2) from the Planning Commission. They shall serve without compensation. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner for the unexpired terms. Members of the Board may serve two (2) consecutive terms as a maximum. An unexpired term shall count as a full term if it is two (2) years or longer. After a year shall have passed from date of last service, any Board member is re-eligible for appointment each January unless, in the discretion of the Mayor, pending hearings require the temporary continuation of the Board member whose term is to expire, but only until that business shall be completed. All appointments of Board members are by the Mayor with the confirmation of Council. Removal of members for cause upon written charges and after public hearings shall be in the jurisdiction of Village Council.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
The Board shall adopt its own rules and elect its officers annually, a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary from its membership. The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, may administer oaths and the Board may compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings, indicating the vote of each member on each question, or if absent or failing to vote, so note. Also, the Secretary shall keep records of the Board’s examinations and other official actions, all of which are to be immediately filed in the office of the Village and become public record. Finally, the Secretary shall conduct all official correspondence and supervise the clerical work of the Board. The duties of the Secretary may be cared for by the Village Clerk. Normally, notices of hearing and decisions of the Board shall be communicated directly to property owners affected and through newspapers and bulletin boards to the people of the Village.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)
Three (3) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The Board shall act by resolution; and the concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirements, decision or determination of the Board from which there has been an appeal, except in the event that only three (3) members of the Board are present at the meeting, their unanimous vote shall be sufficient for action.
(Ord. 1045. Passed 10-14-14.)