(a)    The owner, lessee, agent, tenant or other such person having charge or care of any land, parcel or lot within the Village within 200 feet of any residential or commercial building or any public street shall maintain the premises and exterior property free from weeds or plant growth, including grass, in excess of six (6) inches in height. Ornamental grasses in landscaped beds are exempt. All noxious weeds as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Ohio Administrative Code 901:5-37-01 are prohibited.
   (b)    Noxious Weeds Defined. Poison ivy; poison oak; poison sumac; any and all additional noxious weeds included in the Ohio Administrative Code's list of prohibited noxious weeds and/or the Ohio noxious weed list maintained by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service.
   (c)    Plant Growth Defined. All grasses, annual plants, and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs. This term does not include cultivated flowers and gardens regularly tended and confined to a definite area.
(Ord. 02-24. Passed 4-15-24.)