General Provisions
   70.01 Short title
   70.02 Application
   70.03 Purpose
   70.04 Definitions
   70.05 Enforcement by Town Marshal
   70.06 Authority of Police and Fire Department personnel
   70.07 Obedience to traffic code required
   70.08 Application to persons propelling pushcarts, riding animals
   70.09 Public employees to obey traffic code regulations
   70.10 Exemptions for authorized emergency vehicles
   70.11 Motor vehicle inspection; fee
   70.12 Golf carts
Traffic-Control Devices
   70.20 Authority to install
   70.21 Manual and specifications
   70.22 Designation of crosswalks
   70.23 Designation of traffic lanes
   70.24 Emergency devices
   70.25 When required for enforcement purposes
   70.26 Presumption of legality
   70.27 Interference with devices prohibited
Traffic Accidents
   70.35 Written reports of accidents required
   70.36 When driver unable to report
   70.37 Reports are confidential
   70.38 Town Marshal to keep files of accident reports
   70.39 Annual traffic safety report
   70.50 Records of traffic violations
   70.51 Disposition of traffic fines and forfeitures
   70.52 Town Attorney to prosecute violators
   70.99 Penalty