Parking Prohibitions
72.01 Parking so as to obstruct traffic prohibited
72.02 Parking in alleys
72.03 Parking for purposes of display or repair
72.04 Disobedience to parking signs prohibited
72.05 Stopping or parking in lane of traffic
72.06 Stopping, parking on other than road or shoulder prohibited
72.07 Parking or standing in loading zones
72.08 Parking of prohibited vehicles in residential or business districts
Bus Stops; Taxi Stands
72.20 Town to designate location
72.21 Unauthorized use of bus stop or taxi stand
72.22 Use of bus stop by bus
72.30 Removal of illegally parked vehicle
72.31 Citation of illegally parked vehicle
72.32 Presumption that vehicle is illegally parked
72.99 Penalty
Parking restricted or prohibited on certain designated streets, see Chapter 75
Statutory reference:
Authority to regulate stopping, standing, and parking, see IC 9-21-1-3
No person shall park any vehicle upon a street, other than an alley, in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 1981-6, passed 6-9-81) Penalty, see §72.99