General Provisions
150.001 Title and application
150.002 Definitions
150.003 Classification of districts
150.004 Enforcement
150.005 Fee schedule
150.006 Supremacy
150.020 AG Agricultural District
150.021 RSF Single- and Two-Family Residential District
150.022 RMF Multiple-Family Residential District
150.023 Manufactured Housing Residential District/Manufactured Home Park
150.024 COM Highway Commercial Business District
150.025 COM-R Commercial Reserve District
150.026 CBD Central Business District
150.027 IND Industrial District
Surface Water Management
150.040 Findings
150.041 Purpose
150.042 Scope and effect
150.043 Surface water (stormwater) management plan approval procedures
150.044 Plan review procedure
150.045 Approval standards
Planned Unit Developments
150.060 Purpose
150.061 Regulations
150.062 Administrative procedures
150.063 General regulations
Home Occupations
150.075 Purpose
150.076 Regulations
150.077 Process
150.078 Permitted home occupation regulations
150.079 Special home occupation
150.080 eneral provisions
150.081 Nonconforming use
150.082 Inspection
150.095 Purpose
150.096 Prohibited signs
150.097 Regulations
150.098 Exemptions
150.099 Permitted signs in AG, RSF, RMF, and RMHD Districts
150.100 Permitted signs in COM, CBD, and IND Districts
Off-Street Parking
150.115 Purpose
150.116 Regulations
150.117 Exceptions
Solar and Wind Generating Facilities
150.120 Solar and Wind Electric-Generating Facilities Regulations
General District Provisions
150.130 Purpose
150.131 Dwelling unit regulations
150.132 Accessory buildings
150.133 General building yard regulations
150.134 Outdoor storage
150.135 Fencing, screening, and landscaping
150.136 Moving of buildings
150.137 Vision clearance at corners, curb cuts, and railroad crossings
150.138 Lighting
150.139 Noise
150.140 Odors
150.141 Satellite dishes and other dishes
150.142 Residential pools
150.143 Land reclamation and mining
150.144 Antennas
150.145 Compliance
150.146 Cannabis businesses
150.160 Purpose
150.161 Application
150.162 Existing lots
150.163 Nonconformance
150.164 Enforcement Officer
150.165 Board of Adjustment
150.166 Planning Commission
150.167 City Council
150.168 Zoning amendments
150.169 Conditional use permits
150.170 Variances
150.171 Site permits
Appendix: Zoning Map
(A) Title. This chapter shall be known as the “Eden Valley Zoning Ordinance”, except as referred to herein, where it shall be known as “this chapter” and shall supersede any previous ordinance specifically pertaining to the regulation of land uses/zoning within the city.
(Prior Code, § 501.010)
(B) Intent and purpose. The intent of this chapter is to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the city and its people through the establishment of minimum regulations governing development and use. This chapter shall divide the city into use districts and establish regulations in regard to location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, and use of structures and land. Such regulations are established to provide adequate light, air, and convenience of access to property; to prevent congestion in the public right-of-way; to prevent overcrowding of land and undue concentration of structures by regulating land, buildings, yards, and density of population; to provide for compatibility of different land uses; to provide for administration of this chapter; to provide for amendments; to prescribe penalties for violation of such regulations; and to define powers and duties for violation of such regulations; and to define powers and duties of the city staff, the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, the Planning Commission, and the City Council in relation to this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 501.020)
(C) Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Eden Valley Zoning Ordinance”.
(Prior Code, § 501.030)
(D) Standard requirements.
(1) Where the conditions imposed by any provisions of this chapter are either more or less restrictive than comparable conditions imposed by other ordinance, rule, or regulation of the city, the ordinance, rule, or regulation which imposes the more restrictive condition standard or requirements shall prevail.
(2) In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, and welfare.
(3) No structure shall be erected, converted, enlarged, or used for any purpose which is not in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. This shall include changes in the use of the property.
(4) Except as herein provided, no building, structure, or premises shall hereafter be used or occupied and no site permit shall be granted that does not conform to the requirements of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 501.040)
(E) Uses not provided for within zoning districts.
(1) Whenever, in any zoning district, a use is neither specifically permitted nor denied, the use shall be considered prohibited. In such case, the City Council or the Planning Commission, on their own initiative or upon request, may conduct a study to determine if the use is acceptable, and, if so, what zoning district would be most appropriate and the determination as to conditions and standards relating to development of the use.
(2) The City Council, Planning Commission, or property owner shall, if appropriate, initiate an amendment to this chapter to provide for the particular use under consideration or shall find that the use is not compatible for development within the city.
(Prior Code, § 501.050)
(F) Rules. The language set forth in the text of this chapter shall be interpreted in accordance with the following rules of construction:
(1) The singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular;
(2) The present tense includes the past and the future tenses, and the future the present;
(3) The word “shall” is mandatory while the word “may” is permissive; and
(4) The masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter.
(Prior Code, § 501.070)
(Ord. passed 10-8-2003)