(a)   By the City Service Department.
      (1)   When the Chief of Division of Inspections/Chief Building Official causes weeds and grasses to be cut or land cleaned of litter, as provided in Section 1389.10, a statement of costs thereof shall be mailed to the owner of such land as provided in Section 1301.18.
      (2)   The minimum fee to be charged shall be in no case less than seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for the first hour or portion thereof and fifty dollars ($50.00) for each additional hour or portion thereof.
   (b)   By the Contractor.
      (1)   When the Chief of Division of Inspections/Chief Building Official causes weeds and grasses to be cut or land cleaned of litter, as provided in Section 1389.11, a statement of costs thereof shall be mailed to the owner of such land as provided in Section 1301.18.
      (2)   The minimum fee to be charged when a private contractor hired by the City to correct the violation(s) shall be as follows:
         A.   First offense, charges occurred by private contractor plus an additional $50.00.
         B.   Second offense, charges occurred by private contractor plus an additional $75.00.
         C.   Third offense, charges occurred by private contractor plus an additional $100.00.
         D.   Fourth or more offense, charges occurred by private contractor plus an additional $150.00.
         E.   Additional charges such as re-inspection, administrative or rental fees may apply.
            (Ord. 2009-090. Passed 8-25-09.)