39.01 Purpose of civil defense organization
39.02 Department of Civil Emergency Management created
39.03 Director; powers and duties
39.04 Additional powers and duties
39.05 Civil defense; emergency powers
39.06 Enforcement of laws and ordinances
39.07 Service without compensation; not liable for injuries
39.08 Actions by Mayor upon declaration of emergency
39.09 Emergency Task Force
The purpose of this chapter is to create a civil defense organization for the city to be prepared for, and to function in the event of, emergencies endangering the lives and property of the people of the city. The duty of such civil defense organization shall be the protection of the lives and health of the citizens of the city and of property rights, both private and public, and to perform all functions necessary and incident thereto.
(Prior Code, § 39.01)
Statutory reference:
Local civil defense organizations, see 63 O.S. §§ 683.11 and 683.12
There is established under the executive branch of the government of the city a Civil Emergency Management Department which shall consist of:
(A) A Director who shall be appointed by the City Manager of the city and serve at his or her pleasure; and
(B) An advisory committee. This committee shall consist of the Mayor as Chairperson and five members appointed by the Mayor and serving at his or her pleasure. The committee shall select from its members a Vice-Chairperson and Secretary. It shall hold such meetings as are directed by the Mayor or the Director of Civil Emergency Management.
(Prior Code, § 39.02)