(A) Purpose. The B-3, General Commercial District is intended to provide for the development of general business, assembly, office, and similar uses. The District is located on the periphery of the retail commercial oriented areas.
(B) Permitted uses. Permitted uses in the B-3 District include:
(1) Adult education/vocational schools;
(2) Banquet halls/conference centers;
(3) Club or lodge;
(4) Commercial recreation - indoor;
(5) Day care center;
(6) Funeral home;
(7) Library;
(8) Theater;
(9) Retail centers and commercial office buildings. Development of individual and/or groups of buildings that are 80,000 square feet (individually and cumulatively) and larger require zoning as PUD. Expansions of existing buildings over 80,000 square feet or expansions resulting in buildings that are 80,000 square feet (individually and cumulatively) also require zoning as a PUD. The projects will be evaluated based on the design guidelines in §§ 154.115 through 154.128 of this chapter; and
(10) All permitted uses allowed in the B-1A District.
(C) Accessory uses. Permitted accessory uses in the B-2 District are those commercial or business buildings and structures accessory to the principal use. The accessory uses shall not exceed 30% of the gross floor space of the principal use.
(D) Conditional uses.
(1) Conditional uses in this District are subject to the following requirements:
(a) A conditional use permit is applied for based on procedures set forth in § 154.022 of this chapter;
(b) Screening and landscaping in compliance with § 154.071 of this chapter shall be required; and
(c) Off-street parking is provided in compliance with § 154.067 of this chapter.
(2) Conditional uses in this District include:
(a) Commercial developments undertaken by two or more property owners in which the extension of an existing structure is proposed, a new structure is proposed, or a structure spans more than one lot. Side yards shall not be required (a zero lot line setback) in these cases unless the side yard abuts residentially zoned property or a public road. Side yard requirements specified below shall apply in these areas;
(b) Accessory adult uses as defined in Ch. 117 of this code;
(c) Places of worship, conditioned on access being provided only off of a collector road;
(d) Motor fuel station;
(e) Auto sales;
(f) Car wash;
(g) Auto repair facility - minor; and
(h) Public or private school.
(E) Performance standards. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in the B-2 District:
(1) Lot area: 15,000 square feet;
(2) Lot width: 75 feet;
(3) Setbacks:
(a) Front yards: not less than 25 feet. In the case of corner lots, two front yards will be required.
(b) Side yards: not less than ten feet on each side, except where there is a permissible zero lot line setback pursuant to division (D)(2)(a) above or 25 feet when abutting a public right-of-way or a residential district; and
(c) Rear yards: not less than 25 feet.
(4) Impervious surface maximum: 65%.
(F) Interim uses. The following are interim uses in a B-2 District and require an interim use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by § 154.026 of this chapter: none.
(Ord. 2023-07, passed 8-28-2023, § 11)