18-6-110: APPEALS:
Any person aggrieved of a final determination of the city engineer in the issuance, denial, suspension or revocation of a land disturbance permit may appeal such decision of the city engineer to the city council by filing a written appeal with the city recorder within thirty (30) days from the date of the city engineer's decision. The city council will give written notice to the city engineer, the appellant, and all other persons requesting the same, specifying the place, date, and time of hearing the appeal. (Ord. 419, 6-5-2001)
18-6-120: LIABILITY:
Neither issuance of grading approval under the provisions of this title, nor compliance with the provisions of this title, or with any conditions imposed in a land disturbance permit issued under the provisions of this title, is to relieve any person from responsibility for damage to any person or property or impose any liability upon the city for damage to any person or property. (Ord. 419, 6-5-2001)
Nothing herein is to be construed as indicating that the city cannot immediately stop the work being performed if, in the opinion of the city engineer, the damage being done is of such a nature that it requires immediate cessation of the work. This could result in the bypassing of the normal processes of notices and increasing levels of enforcement which will typically be followed. (Ord. 419, 6-5-2001)